Methane Comments: Odile Coirier

(The EPA is hosting three virtual public hearings on January 10-12. These hearings are an important opportunity for communities across the country to make their voices heard, and demand that EPA adopts strong, comprehensive methane safeguards to protect our health and our planet. We share ccomments from New Mexico and El Paso residents).

Hello, my name is Odile Coirier, I am a Catholic Sister, working with Interfaith Power and Light New Mexico-El Paso Region. I live in El Paso Texas. I appreciate this opportunity to share why strong federal methane rules are important to me and my community. I thank you for your work on the methane supplemental rule proposal that will help protect our environment and our communities.

In El Paso, we have great concern about the quality of life and health of our communities. We are in the Permian Basin and in Texas where oil and gas production are prominent.

As people of religious tradition, we are drawn by this moral imperative to care for our common home and work for the dignity of every human being. It is about Justice! And especially toward those many voices who are not heard in the rule makings and are affected most.

In El Paso, we have great concern about the quality of life and health of our communities. We are in the Permian Basin and in Texas where oil and gas production are prominent. I went several times in the Permian, the story of the people is alarming, disturbing, sad.  The destruction of the environment is disturbing as well!

Our area has several wells. EPA has the power to ensure that the oil and gas production facilities will operate in a safer way. Methane pollution brings with it well documented health problems especially for our low-income communities.

We know that Texas doesn’t have strong methane rules. We need you!

This Methane supplemental rule proposal is an important step forward. and specially to ensure that approved monitoring technologies and data are available to all so that communities and individuals can participate and engage in the Super Emitter Response Program, which is designed to quickly address very large leaks from the oil and gas industry.\

I am counting on this Administration and your agency to quickly address these concerns, and to finalize strong, comprehensive Methane rules.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my comments. Thanks for your commitment for social justice  at the service of our communities.