Methane Comments: Karen Smith

(The EPA is hosting three virtual public hearings on January 10-12. These hearings are an important opportunity for communities across the country to make their voices heard, and demand that EPA adopts strong, comprehensive methane safeguards to protect our health and our planet. We share ccomments from New Mexico and El Paso residents).

Hello, my name is Karen Smith, and I appreciate this opportunity to promote strong federal methane rules. I live in New Mexico, and I represent Interfaith Power and Light, and also Green Justice at First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque. We are advocates for those who are most affected adversely by methane pollution, such as those who live in the Permian Basin. We have heard and witnessed their testimony about how it compromises their health, from cancer to asthma, and negatively affects their standard of living. Of course, we are also concerned about how methane accelerates the climate crisis for all of us.

I am urging the EPA to do more to limit routine flaring, better address emissions from storage tanks, and provide a clear pathway for participation in the Super Emitter Response Program.

While I appreciate the updated draft rule to cut methane and other pollutants from oil and gas operations across the country, I am urging the EPA to do more to limit routine flaring, better address emissions from storage tanks, and provide a clear pathway for participation in the Super Emitter Response Program.

People of faith such as myself who care about the environment and environmental justice are counting on you to quickly address these concerns and finalize strong, comprehensive new and existing source rules to cut methane pollution from the gas and oil industries.   I thank you.