National IPL Offers Worship Resources to Celebrate our Sacred Earth

Celebrate our Sacred Earth in your worship services this fall using IPL’s worship resources. NEW! Season of Creation resources and a message from Pope Francis.  (NEW! We have a new section of Season of Creation resources from many Christian denominations and a new message from Pope Francis for the 2023 Day of Creation).

One of the most important actions we can take to heal our Sacred Earth is to talk about climate change. Most of us underestimate by half the prevalence of support for climate policies. If we truly knew how many of us are concerned about climate change, we would be more willing to speak out together to heal our common home.

Encourage conversations about climate change by centering your worship services around it, honoring our Sacred Earth with sermons, music, and prayers. Include caring for the Earth in your worship services regularly throughout the year, in addition to Earth Day.

Find worship resources for a wide variety of faith traditions on IPL’s Faith Climate Action Week website.

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May be an image of 5 people and text that says 'Every day is Earth Day! Let's pray about it! Interfaith Power ☬ Light'