A Reflection for Advent 2023 with Laudate Deum

The Office of Peace, Justice and Ecological Integrity of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth has put together a great resource for Christian communites and individuals (and others) to use during the coming Advent season. The Advent resource incorporates Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudate Deum, which follows up on the pontiff’s encyclical Laudato Si.   Here is the first entries to the calendar. Click on the link to see the full calendar.

A Pilgrimage of Reconciliation with the World that Is Our Home

Advent 2023 with Laudate Deum

Pray for COP28, the climate summit in Dubai, November 30th– December 12th. Pope Francis will attend!

“I ask everyone to accompany this pilgrimage of reconciliation with the world that is our home and to help make it more beautiful.” (LD, 69)

Dec 3 First Sunday of Advent Plan to read Laudate Deum this Advent in a contemplative spirit.
Dec 4 Have you taken the Laudate Deum Action Pledge? A great practice for Advent.
Dec 5 “What would it mean to rediscover the biblical sense of the natural world groaning, hoping, waiting for liberation?” Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ

Here is the full calendar

Sister Joan Brown Joins National IPL President in Support of Pope Francis’ Laudate Deum

Pope Francis again calls us to engage with concerns of economic inequity, greed, food and water, fossil fuel use, and destruction of Earth that are part of a climate warming world. This past summer we all faced stark realities of increased warming and resulting suffering. In calling out the abuse of power in our world while more and more suffer, we are invited with more urgency to use our voices of faith for change as we face ‘breaking point’. Ultimately we must act out of great love for great change.”Sister Joan Brown, executive director of Interfaith Power & Light New Mexico and El Paso

When Pope Francis released his follow-up document  to Laudato Si in early October, the national Interfaith Power & Light issued a statement in support of the pope’s new encyclical Laudate Deum.  The IPL statement quoted two faith leaders, national president Susan Hendershot and our own Sister Joan Brown.

Rev. Hendershot also published  a joint op-ed with other faith partners in the National Catholic Reporter.

The published piece has links to two other relevant articles in the NCR

Related: Editorial: Climate action requires interfaith collaboration

Related: Faith groups to G7 leaders: Peace requires a fossil fuel treaty

Catholic Climate Covenant also issued a statement in support of the encyclical offered a plan on how we can respond to the pontiff’s new exhortation.

Stay tuned for more resources related to Laudate Deum.


Rev. Harry Eberts: Reducing vehicle emissions can help preserve creation

Photo: First Presbyterian Church (Santa Fe)

Rev. Harry Eberts, pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Santa Fe, added his voice to faith leaders advocating for New Mexico to adopt Advanced Clean Car standards ahead of important hearings in November. Here are excerpts of an opinion piece in the Santa Fe New Mexican (followed by a link to the full op-ed)

As a faith leader and pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe, a congregation that is working to reduce our environmental footprint, I believe each of us is called to respond to this moment in ways that move us toward responsibly caring for the gifts of creation we have been given.

I am grateful that in November, New Mexico leaders will be called to such a response as they consider the governor’s recommendation to adopt advanced clean vehicle standards. Updating these standards will require auto and truck manufacturers to deliver an increasing number of electric vehicles for sale in the region, creating jobs, broader accessibility, cleaner air and helping us significantly curb statewide carbon emissions.

Our Environmental Improvement Board and Albuquerque Bernalillo Air Quality Board will have the opportunity to adopt these standards up to 2035 so we are afforded the best chance at making our state healthier and more equitable for all New Mexicans

This opportunity is made even more important because of incoming federal legislation over the next decade that will continue to help create electric vehicle infrastructure, especially charging stations. Such infrastructure is a necessity in our very rural state where many people must travel long distances as a regular part of their lives and work. This is New Mexico’s opportunity to ensure no one is left behind in the transformation and advancement of our transportation systems.

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