Current Revolution: Featured Film of Faith Climate Action 2023

Share the exciting news of the transition to clean energy with your congregation with a series of short films called Current Revolution, this year’s featured film of Faith Climate Action Week in April. These films show the possibility of a just transition to a clean energy economy where the well-being of workers and frontline community members is valued, instead of neglected.

Said Susan Stephenson, executive director of IPL, “I think you will love this offering, because the short films are a perfect length to view in a group and then allow time for discussion at your events, and you can offer the whole series over multiple weeks or evenings! The first two of the three films are approximately 30 minutes each, and the last is 6 minutes. Also, astute viewers will notice a familiar face in one of the films – long-time IPL national chair Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley!”

IPL congregations may register to share these films for free during Faith Climate Action Week, April 14-23, 2023. A screening license is normally $90, but thanks to the generosity of the American Resilience Project, this screening license is FREE to IPL congregations.

Registration to share these films with your congregation is coming in March. Sign up here to be notified when registration is open.

DVDs are available for purchase now through IPL for screening at any time. $25 plus shipping, INCLUDES screening rights (valued at $90.)

Purchase your DVD here.

These films expand on this year’s Faith Climate Action Week theme: Living the Golden Rule: Just Transition to a Clean Energy Economy. The theme examines our responsibility to transition to energy sources that are sustainable and healthy for our communities and Creation.

Purchase your DVD here. 

IPL invites you to screen this film series as part of your celebrations of Earth Month and join the community of people of faith preaching, teaching, and acting to heal the climate in 2023!

All the information you need about film licensing can be found here.

New Mexicans Make Their Voices Heard at EPA Hearings

The Methane Partnership Campaign, which helped organize people around the country to testify at the Environmental Protection Agency’s three virtual public hearings on January 10-12, deemed the effort a success. These hearings provided an important opportunity for communities across the country to make their voices heard, and demand that EPA adopts strong, comprehensive methane safeguards to protect our health and our planet.

“Over the past three days, 289 advocates across 33 states and 110 organizations testified in support of strong federal methane safeguards – With a total of 297 total speakers, 97% of the total testimony came from folks in this community, and over 99% of all testimony provided was in support,” said Kimberly Gerbert, manager for the Methane Partnership Campaign.

The map provided by the MPC shows was very strong participation from New Mexico residents. Two residents of El Paso affiliated with NMEP-IPL also participated.

Here are the livestreams for Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3

We posted the testimony from folks in New Mexico and El Paso who are connected with New Mexico El Paso Interfaith Power & Light and/or Citizens Caring for the Future on this website and on Twitter.  Here are links to the testimony from some of the participants.

Sister Joan Brown (Albuquerque)
Sister Odile Coirier (El Paso, Texas)
Arcelia Isais-Gastelum (Albuquerque)
Cynthia González (El Paso, Texas)
Sister Marlene Perrotte (Albuquerque)
David Robertson (Albuquerque)
Patricia Sheely (Gallup)
Karen Smith (Albuquerque)
Father Tom Smith (Mesilla Park)
Ruth Striegel (Albuquerque)

Sister Rose Marie Cecchini (Gallup)
Chris Dizon (Hobbs)
Rev. Gene Harbaugh (Carlsbad)
Rev. Lynne Hinton (Albuquerque)
Ann McCartney (Los Lunas)
Ward McCartney (Los Lunas)
Stan Renfro (Jemez Springs)
Pastor Dave Rogers (Carlsbad)
Don Schreiber (Blanco-Four Corners)
Kayley Shoup (Carlsbad)

New Mexicans in partner organizations
Wendy Attcity (Naeva)
Joseph Hernandez (Naeva)
Ana Rios (Moms Clean Air Force)
Shana Oliver (Moms Clean Air Force)
Celerah Hewes (Moms Clean Air Force)
Paige Grant (Sierra Club)
Camila Fiebelman (Sierra Club)
David Weymouth (Sierra Club)
Antoinette Reyes (Sierra Club)
Diana Woods (Sierra Club)
Lawrence Shandler (American Academy of Pediatrics -NM Chapter)
Jeff Thrope (Public Lands Solutions)
Paige Knight (New Mexico Voices for Children)
Kendra Pinto (Earthworks)
Elaine Cimino (Common Ground Rising)

Methane Comments: Ruth Striegel

(The EPA is hosting three virtual public hearings on January 10-12. These hearings are an important opportunity for communities across the country to make their voices heard, and demand that EPA adopts strong, comprehensive methane safeguards to protect our health and our planet. We share ccomments from New Mexico and El Paso residents).

I’m Ruth Striegel, from Albuquerque, NM, where I serve on the board of directors of New Mexico and El Paso Region Interfaith Power and Light. I’m also the chair of the Green Justice team at my church, First Congregational UCC. I appreciate the work that the EPA and each of you are doing to craft a strong methane supplemental rule proposal. Given the harm that methane emissions are doing to our planet, it’s absolutely imperative that we stop these emissions as soon and completely as humanly possible. My faith teaches me that it’s my privilege and obligation to work for a better world, and that world includes species beyond homo sapiens.  Our human and non-human brothers and sisters are suffering as a result of methane pollution, and these methane rules are key to putting a stop to the damage.

Last spring and summer were very difficult for me and for our state. The spring was terribly windy, warm and dry. With a lack of moisture in the soil and such unrelenting winds, two prescribed burns in NE NM got out of control and quickly combined into the worst wildfire we’ve ever experienced. The weather conditions created the perfect mix to incinerate a magical, rural area with a rich traditional culture. The total lack of precipitation in April, May, and early June was followed by ten days of heavy rains. The land had been sealed shut by the intense fires and couldn’t absorb moisture, resulting in damaging floods. It will be generations before this land can be restored, and the people there, whose lives are so interwoven with their mountains and grasslands, may never be able to fully restore their culture.

These fires and floods are the harvest we are reaping from our indifference to climate change. This is playing out all over the world in different forms. Methane emissions are playing a huge role in warming the planet. And they are wasteful and unnecessary!

My faith teaches me that it’s my privilege and obligation to work for a better world, and that world includes species beyond homo sapiens.  Our human and non-human brothers and sisters are suffering as a result of methane pollution, and these methane rules are key to putting a stop to the

In early June of last year, I visited the Permian Basin of southeast NM with a group of people from Interfaith Power and Light. In this incredibly productive oil basin, we were surrounded by oil infrastructure. Driving through the oil fields, we became nauseous or got headaches because we were breathing in the methane and other gases that were leaking out of the various kinds of equipment. Despite state regulations forbidding it, we saw flaring everywhere we went. We met with people who lived with cancer and respiratory diseases, who yearned for a better life, who lived with the fear that disease or accident would take their loved ones, but who lacked the financial resources to find a better life elsewhere.

Small, low-producing, and abandoned wells in southeast New Mexico are yielding almost no oil, but at the same time are emitting huge amounts of methane. I am very glad to see that the updated draft rule closes a loophole in LDAR standards, requiring routine monitoring of low-producing wells for leaks. I’m also glad to see monitoring of abandoned wells until closure.

I urge you to go further, ensuring that operators capture gas at oil wells and limit flaring to the maximum extent, making emission standards for storage tanks applicable to more tanks, and providing a clear pathway for communities and individuals to participate and engage in the Super Emitter Response Program by ensuring that approved monitoring technologies and data are accessible to all.

Thank you very much.