Methane Comments: Joan Brown

(The EPA is hosting three virtual public hearings on January 10-12. These hearings are an important opportunity for communities across the country to make their voices heard, and demand that EPA adopts strong, comprehensive methane safeguards to protect our health and our planet. We share ccomments from New Mexico and El Paso residents).

My name is Joan Brown, a Franciscan Sister and Executive Director of New Mexico & El Paso Region Interfaith Power and Light. I would like to thank the EPA and each of you for your work on the methane supplemental rule proposal that will help protect creation, and care for our climate and the health of our communities.

The people of faith in New Mexico have worked with the EPA on creating strong methane rules since the beginning of this process. All of our religious traditions believe it is a spiritual, ethical and moral duty to love and care for our neighbor and creation. Pope Francis in Laudato Si: On Care of Our Common Home said this work is not optional.

I have been traveling to and working with the people in Southeastern New Mexico, in the Permian Basin for ten years. I experience, first hand, growing concerns of health, quality of life, environmental pollution and deterioration of air quality. In New Mexico we are grateful for strong methane rules that have been adopted and implemented and are now beginning to make a difference, but air knows no boundaries and Texas does not have such strong methane rules.

The people of faith in New Mexico have worked with the EPA on creating strong methane rules since the beginning of this process. All of our religious traditions believe it is a spiritual, ethical and moral duty to love and care for our neighbor and creation. Pope Francis in Laudato Si: On Care of Our Common Home said this work is not optional.

One of our programs is an immersion retreat experience for people of faith and conscience to visit the Permian, listen to the stories of people, experience the effects of oil and gas production, pray for healing and guidance in the oil and gas fields and commit to action for change. I have heard many stories of families living close to oil and gas who suffer from terrible health conditions. On a recent trip we met with mothers and children living in Jal right next to Texas. These hardworking Spanish immigrant families shared their dilemma of the need to work, yet living in fear for their health and that of their children and those in the womb. In an educational session, they listened to ways they might protect their health and were given air purifiers through the Permian grassroots group Citizens Caring for the Future with whom we work. We promise to work with these families. But, we need the EPA. Strong methane rules that address flaring in Texas would help these families. We also need to address venting and flaring from smaller wells and facilities, which account for a large amount of the pollution.

New Mexicans suffered this past summer from devastating fires, and drought, which are now common. People of faith are on the frontlines working with immigrants flooding our border. Increasingly we hear stories that confirm growing climate refugees who face food insecurity, and displacement from devastating weather patterns. We must act now to stop the worst harm. It is urgent that we implement, strengthen, and finalize these rules and make sure there is industry oversight once they are in place.

Our faith communities also work with children, youth and young adults who suffer growing mental health concerns of grief, depression and hopelessness. The concerns of one of our young adult leaders always rigns in my ears. She said, “I do not know if I will have the strength to face all of the suffering that will result from climate change in my lifetime.”

Interfaith Power and Light in New Mexico and El Paso is working hard for the Common Good. We count on the EPA to work in good faith with us. We need to act quickly for strong rules. This ethical and moral work is not optional, it is the demand of loving service.

Thank you and peace and good.

You Are Invited to Host a Viewing of the Documentary ‘The Letter’

By Odile Coirier, fmm

NMMP-IPL Organizer

One Planet, One Humanity: A Better Future Is In Our Hands

You are warmly invited to host a viewing of the documentary, “The Letter,”  a message of hope to enlighten our New Year.

“The Letter” inspires change through the beautiful human relationships among those who are responding to Pope Francis’ invitation. They come from people whose voices are often unheard.  These people have different religious and cultural backgrounds.

“The Letter” documents the recent journey to Rome by community leaders from different places to discuss Pope Francis’ encyclical. We learn about the warm relationships with each other and the Pope that give the travelers hope and benefit their communities. In “The Letter” we hear the voices of the Indigenous, the young, the poor, and wildlife.

The film was produced by Oscar-winning Off The Fence Productions and directed by Nicolas Brown, in partnership with the Laudato Si’ Movement The film was an instant success amassing over 7 million views in its first two weeks.

A Viewing at El Paso Catholic Parish

Participants from St Luke Parish

On Dec. 4, 2022, St Luke Catholic Parish in El Paso, TX, became the first in El Paso’s diocese to hold a screening of the movie.

Here is some feedback from participants:

“Thank you for continuing to engage parishes and others in matters that involve care of God’s blessed Mother Earth.”

“Thank you so much for bringing us this compelling movie to us. The movie has lit a fire in me, and I plan to try to organize a group dedicated to exploring actions we can take as a parish as well as individually to address our climate crisis. I hope we can do something, however small it may be, to contribute towards reversing this horror.”

Another parish, Blessed Sacrament Church in El Paso will convene this event on Saturday 15th January at 6:15 PM. All are welcome!

Join the worldwide community who care for our Common Home.  If you would like to host a viewing of the documentary and would like some guidance, please send me a note to



Living the Golden Rule Kit Now Available

Plan ahead for Earth Day: The 2023 Faith Climate Action Week printed organizer’s kit is now available! The resources in this kit will equip you to lead faith-based discussion and action at your congregation to ensure a safe climate for our neighbors and communities.

Get your kit!

Faith Climate Action Week is Interfaith Power & Light’s annual program of climate-themed worship services and sermons that spans ten days of activities around Earth Day, with this year’s dates being April 14 – 23, 2023. Join the community of people of faith preaching, teaching, and acting to heal the climate in 2023!

The theme of 2023’s Faith Climate Action Week is “Living the Golden Rule: Just Transition to a clean energy economy.” We’ll examine our responsibility to transition to energy sources that safeguard our common home and how our faiths call us to respond with just solutions for all.

Click here to purchase your printed organizer’s kit for only $26.

The value-packed kit includes an Action Guide with information on the faithful call to care for our neighbors by ensuring a just transition to a clean energy economy, where the well-being of workers and frontline community members are prioritized.

In the kit, there are short film suggestions, an updated climate change fact sheet, faith-based discussion materials, including a colorful multi-faith Golden Rule poster, and suggestions and resources for how to engage in supporting local action.

Faith Climate Action Week 2023 online offerings include resources for sermons, talks, worship services, a film screening kit for the 2023 featured film, and more.

Click here to purchase your printed 2023 Faith Climate Action Week kit today.