Rev. Nick King’s Testimony at EPA Hearing

I ask you, the EPA, to take your responsibility seriously in setting reasonable and responsible standards in regards to Methane emissions, so that God and history and the rest of the planet will see that we are at least trying to do the right thing.

Rev. Nick King  is one of the faith leaders involved with Citizens Caring for the Future, an affiliate of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light in Carlsbad. Here is his testimony at the EPA hearing on June 15-16, in which the agency is collecting testimony to develop a proposed rule to reduce methane and other harmful pollutants from new and existing sources in the oil and natural gas industry.

My name is Nick King and I am pastor at the Carlsbad Mennonite Church, Carlsbad, NM in the heart of the Permian Basin. This earth, our home, is a gift of God to us to take care of, and I hope our lives and actions will be an honor to our Creator.  I ask you, the EPA, to take your responsibility seriously in setting reasonable and responsible standards in regards to Methane emissions, so that God and history and the rest of the planet will see that we are at least trying to do the right thing.  In our national attempt to be world leaders, our taking control of climate change is much more important than even the size of our nuclear arsenal, which is another related shameful heresy.  All of us around the world are children of God, and what destroys one, destroys us all, as we see in the effects of climate change all around us.  Anything we, or you on the EPA staff, can do to slow this stampede to self annihilation is important.

None of us like rules for ourselves, but from kindergarten to family to city, state, federal and even international entities-we all have rules that are for the common good.  There are rules that a tire company cannot dump our old tires on an empty lot, or our oil change center cannot dump our used crankcase oil in the storm sewers that go to the river.  Our air is just as sacred as our earth and water.

And now we are dealing with methane and other toxic byproducts that are part of the oil and gas industry that is so important to all of us in this area in SE NM.  And the methane problem may be even more prevalent than what is self reported by the industry.  But we do know that it has dire effects- both locally and globally.  Fossil fuels have been the lifeblood of our culture for more than 100 years, but they are also our poison.

On top of that, there has been virtually NO enforcement of air quality standards for the last 9 years here in New Mexico of even the pollution laws that we do have, and the EPA is little better.  So any reasonable laws for the good of all – all of us and all of the world, as well as realistically feasible for the oil and gas industry, should be created- and enforced.

In this highly competitive oil and gas industry,  reasonable standards would cost a little more to implement, so it would not be fair to those companies that want to do the right thing, if not all operators are playing by the same reasonable rules to contain methane pollution.

We are the wild west, but we are also God’s children that have a responsibility for our siblings around the world, and our posterity.  As world leaders, we as a nation should set pollution standards, and enforce them.

If the EPA doesn’t take the lead on this, who will?

Sister Joan Brown’s Testimony at EPA Hearing

When I was in an area East of Artesia called loco hills several weeks ago in 105 temperatures I put on a gas mask because the fumes were so bad. In Hobbs, where I met with faith leaders and ministers the air was still bad and I felt so terrible that the people who live there breathe this day in and day out. -Joan Brown, OSF

(The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking the first step to develop a proposed rule to reduce methane and other harmful pollutants from new and existing sources in the oil and natural gas industry, beginning with a broad public outreach effort to gather community and stakeholder input on June 15 and 16. 

These activities include opening a public docket for pre-proposal comments, previously held training sessions on the rulemaking process and how to participate in it, and these listening sessions for stakeholders.  These actions are a part of our response to a directive in Executive Order 13990, “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis)”

Watch a video on the Listening Sessions

Here is the text of testimony from Joan Brown, OSF, executive director of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light

The lessons of caring for our Common Earth are rooted in me from my Kansas farm background. I also have had personal family experience with the oil and gas industry when my niece married an oil worker in southern Kansas. Unfortunately, he was killed in a truck accident while working.

I know how difficult it is to balance economics, care of creation and human health, but we have a moral and ethical imperative as human beings to do so. A quote by former Pope Benedict nudges me in my ministry.

“The external deserts in the world are growing, because the internal deserts have become so vast. Therefore the earth’s treasures no longer serve to build God’s garden for all to live in, but they have been made to serve the powers of exploitation and destruction.”

Pope Francis, in a meeting with oil executives stated that climate change is a challenge of “epochal proportions.” And before the UN climate meeting in 2015 he mourned that we are on a suicidal path.

Just 2 weeks ago I was in the Permian Basin in New Mexico on one of many trips to meet with faith leaders and community people and to see the methane pollution with special flr cameras. As usual the air was acrid, the stories of people very sad. Again I cried at the incredible devastation of ranchland, farmland and wild land into vast patches of rampant oil and gas production. Looking into the future I could not imagine this area ever being without oil equipment, pipes and pollution. Another sacrifice zone in our state.

When I was in an area East of Artesia called loco hills several weeks ago in 105 temperatures I put on a gas mask because the fumes were so bad. In Hobbs, where I met with faith leaders and ministers the air was still bad and I felt so terrible that the people who live there breathe this day in and day out. I felt guilty that I could go back to Albuquerque. I cried as I heard one woman share that there is so much unusual cancer and asthma in the economically poor Hispanic community there. My memory is still haunted by an encounter several years ago where an African-American woman invited me into her home because she was concerned about a strong odor that was even stronger when the relentless wind blew in one direction. She did not  realize the problem was methane from a nearby well, that to this day is still polluting. She had a nephew die of a rare cancer. I still hear stories in my ears from native brothers and sisters in the Four Corners region, another methane hotspot. So much environmental and economic injustices plagues our state and yet financially we are one of the poorest states in the nation.

Other Side of the Hill – Coming this Summer thru IPL!

OTHER SIDE OF THE HILL is a new film that will be available this summer through IPL for free congregational screenings and individual viewing at home between July 10-25.  Where can East & West, Republicans & Democrats, find the common ground needed to address climate change? How can industry and environmentalists work hand in hand? And how can local economies find opportunity in a lower emissions future?

The film is a hopeful, inspiring look at local leaders on the ground in rural America who are leading climate action in their communities. But it is also about coming together, finding common ground and new climate frameworks, and shining a light on rural voices as we envision a path forward.

No matter where you are located this important story will inspire you to reach out and bridge the divide. We are more alike than we are different.


Sign up to get a reminder to register on July 1.

Other Side of the Hill | Official Trailer from Synchronous Pictures on Vimeo.