Villa Guadalupe in Gallup Wins National IPL Award

Congratulations to Villa Guadalupe  and Little Sisters of the Poor in Gallup  for earning a runner-up award in National Interfaith Power & Light’s annual Cool Congregations Challenge contest. Villa Guadalupe, which partnered with nearby Spirit Farm,  received a $500 prize from IPL.  Here is what national IPL said:

Villa Guadalupe won a Sacred Grounds award for their innovative plan to collect 20,000 gallons of rainwater on their roofs to irrigate their own vegetable garden and the nearby Navajo reservation farmers. Their project partner is Spirit Farm, an indigenous-informed educational project of Covenant Pathways and James and Joyce Skeet.


Here is a list of all the runner up and honorbable mention awards this year

Here are first-place awards

Among the congregations in New Mexico that have won a first-place or runner-up award in one of the national IPL Cool Congregations in past years are Lybrook Community Ministries in Cuba, Congregation Albert in Albuquerque,  United Church of Santa Fe, Bethany Christian Reform Church in Gallup, Camino de Vida Iglesia Cristiana in Albuquerque, St. John’s United Methodist Church in Albuquerque,



An Invitation to Join Oak Flat March and Run

The Apache Stronghold invites you to the 10th Annual Chi’chil Bildagoteel Oak Flat March/Run. Dates: Feb 15-18 2024! Everyone is Welcome! Join in the fight to protect Oak Flat from a Resolution Copper mine! Events will take place the Old San Carlos Monument,  N Magma Shaft 9 Rd, Miami, AZ 85539

“We will once again walk off the reservation freeing ourselves from the bondage of federal policies and the inaccuracies of the history of this country. We will no longer be invisible, for God the Creator, who is known throughout the world, has spoken, once again, through all his creations, that healing must begin to save what is left, so that those yet to be born will embrace the true spirit of life.” – Wendsler Nosie Sr.

Watch: Sr. Joan Brown and Others Speak on Non-Violence as a Reply to Climate Crisis

Here is the video of the fascinating program featuring a prophetic conversation with Father John Dear, Sister Joan Brown, Reverend Andrew Black, and Chaplain Jorge Sayago-Gonzales exploring key questions of: How embracing a life of nonviolence can be one of the most important ways to solve the climate crisis and live in solidarity with Mother Earth The video is about 80 minutes.