Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Awarded $800,000 for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

Award grant part of New Mexico Department of Transportation electric vehicle charging station grant program funded by American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

Taos, New Mexico – Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Inc (KCEC) today announced that the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) has selected KCECs proposed EV projects to receive $800,000 in grant funds appropriated to the NMDOT by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901 State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.

The NMDOT award for KCEC will provide funding for engineering services, design, and installation of electric vehicle (EV) DC fast charging stations across seven New Mexico locations under the NMDOT Level 3 Direct Current Electric Vehicle Charging Station Grant Program. The charging station host entity and their respective locations are:

·      Angel Fire Ski Resort, Angel Fire, NM

·      Red River Convention Center, Red River, NM

·      El Rito Northern New Mexico College, El Rito, NM

·      Picuris Administration Building, Penasco, NM

·      Questa Village Hall, Questa, NM

·      Oja Calliente Mineral Springs Resort & Spa, Oja Caliente, NM

·      Taos Plaza, Taos, NM (2)

KCEC began establishing EV charging stations throughout its service area in 2019 as part of its plan to be among the cleanest, most cost-effective electric cooperatives in America. With the new charging sites, KCEC will have 50 total EV charging stations and expand its contribution toward New Mexico’s statewide objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by the year 2030.  The EV grant award is the latest in a string of 2022 milestones KCEC is meeting in partnership with its wholesale power provider, Guzman Energy, including having lower retail electricity rates than any Tri-State member cooperative, and achieving 100% daytime solar powered this year.

“With these new charging stations, we are providing our members with expanded clean energy economy services that improve quality of life and economic opportunity in our region,” said Luis A. Reyes, Jr., CEO of KCEC. “We are thrilled that the NMDOT shares our vision to ensure EV services are available to our community as well as to our valued New Mexico tourism visitors.”

The new charging stations are targeted to be operational around 2023. 

Pictures from First Annual All Electric Car Show

Mike Prine, an NMEP-IPL board member, attended the First Annual All Electric Car Show on Sunday, Sept. 25,  at Hartnett Park in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.  The show was part of the National Drive Electric Week,  Sep 23-Oct 2, 2022, a nationwide celebration to raise awareness of the many benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more.  (In related news, New York announced this week that the state will go all electric for new vehicles in 2035. Washington already announced and 15 other states can do the same.),



First Annual All Electric Car Show in Los Ranchos

Join the National Drive Electric Week for an opportunity to inspect a variety of all-electric vehicles and visit with their owners about EVs in general and their own EV in particular.

September 25 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Hartnett Park
6718 Rio Grande Blvd
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107

Local dealers and vendors of EV related products will also be represented. Enter the raffle to win a Clipper Creek, HCS-40P, Level 2 charging station. Follow on Twitter: #LR_evshow

Private EV Owners: Complete a Participant  Application. Two parking spaces will be allotted for each vehicle. FREE.
Dealers: Complete a Participant  Application. Two parking spaces will be allotted for each vehicle. $100. donation requested per vehicle
Other vendors: Complete a Participant Application. One 10′ space will be allotted per vendor. $100. donation requested per space.

Register to attend