The Methane Partnership Campaign, which helped organize people around the country to testify at the Environmental Protection Agency’s three virtual public hearings on January 10-12, deemed the effort a success. These hearings provided an important opportunity for communities across the country to make their voices heard, and demand that EPA adopts strong, comprehensive methane safeguards to protect our health and our planet.
“Over the past three days, 289 advocates across 33 states and 110 organizations testified in support of strong federal methane safeguards – With a total of 297 total speakers, 97% of the total testimony came from folks in this community, and over 99% of all testimony provided was in support,” said Kimberly Gerbert, manager for the Methane Partnership Campaign.
The map provided by the MPC shows was very strong participation from New Mexico residents. Two residents of El Paso affiliated with NMEP-IPL also participated.
Here are the livestreams for Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3
We posted the testimony from folks in New Mexico and El Paso who are connected with New Mexico El Paso Interfaith Power & Light and/or Citizens Caring for the Future on this website and on Twitter. Here are links to the testimony from some of the participants.
Sister Joan Brown (Albuquerque)
Sister Odile Coirier (El Paso, Texas)
Arcelia Isais-Gastelum (Albuquerque)
Cynthia González (El Paso, Texas)
Sister Marlene Perrotte (Albuquerque)
David Robertson (Albuquerque)
Patricia Sheely (Gallup)
Karen Smith (Albuquerque)
Father Tom Smith (Mesilla Park)
Ruth Striegel (Albuquerque)
Sister Rose Marie Cecchini (Gallup)
Chris Dizon (Hobbs)
Rev. Gene Harbaugh (Carlsbad)
Rev. Lynne Hinton (Albuquerque)
Ann McCartney (Los Lunas)
Ward McCartney (Los Lunas)
Stan Renfro (Jemez Springs)
Pastor Dave Rogers (Carlsbad)
Don Schreiber (Blanco-Four Corners)
Kayley Shoup (Carlsbad)
New Mexicans in partner organizations
Wendy Attcity (Naeva)
Joseph Hernandez (Naeva)
Ana Rios (Moms Clean Air Force)
Shana Oliver (Moms Clean Air Force)
Celerah Hewes (Moms Clean Air Force)
Paige Grant (Sierra Club)
Camila Fiebelman (Sierra Club)
David Weymouth (Sierra Club)
Antoinette Reyes (Sierra Club)
Diana Woods (Sierra Club)
Lawrence Shandler (American Academy of Pediatrics -NM Chapter)
Jeff Thrope (Public Lands Solutions)
Paige Knight (New Mexico Voices for Children)
Kendra Pinto (Earthworks)
Elaine Cimino (Common Ground Rising)