Sister Joan Brown Among State Leaders to Share Legislative Success Stories at IPL Webinar

The national Interfaith Power & Light has organized a webinar to examine the success stories from legislative sessions in New Mexico, Illinois, Oregon and the Delaware-Maryland-Virginia region on Wednesday, April 13,   Sister Joan Brown will be talking about outcomes in our  2022 legislative session in New Mexico.
Christina Krost  (Senior Policy Coordinator at Illinois IPL) will be discussing Illinois IPL work with the IL Clean Jobs Coalition to pass the nation-leading Climate and Equitable Jobs Act in 2021
Cherice Bock (Creation Justice Advocate at Oregon IPL) will be talking about working with a statewide coalition called the Oregon Clean Energy Opportunities campaign to pass 100% Clean Energy, as well as a Healthy Homes bill and an Energy Affordability bill in 2021.
Jonathan Lacock- Nisly (Policy Director at IPL-DMV) will be talking about building electrification, getting off methane gas, and the Climate Solutions Now Act that passed in Maryland.
And Sr. Joan Brown (Director at New Mexico IPL) will share about a Low Income Energy Efficiency block grant bill and about stopping a hydrogen hub bill four times during New Mexico’s short 30 day session in January and February.
Here is the link for the  Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 0749 6374
Passcode: 960138

New Documentary Features Youth Movement Demanding Right to Stable Climate

Register to host a screening of YOUTH v GOV, a powerful film that follows 21 young Americans suing the world’s most powerful government to protect their constitutional rights to a stable climate.

The national Interfaith Power & Light invites you to screen this award-winning film as part of your celebrations of Faith Climate Action Week and join the community of people of faith preaching, teaching, and acting to heal the climate in 2022!

Register now through April 5 to screen the film for your group for free by streaming during the window of April 11-May 1, either to an in-person or virtual audience.

SAVE THE DATE: April 27, 4:30pm Pacific, IPL will host a webinar with the filmmaker Christi Cooper, and two youth plaintiffs from the film. Check back here for details closer to the date.



(Registration available March 21 through April 5)


Barrelmaker Productions has produced a limited number of dvds for houses of worship who do not have the capacity to stream at their event. They are available to borrow for $10 plus shipping.

Download screening guide


IPL Launches Faith Climate Justice Voter Campaign

The national Interfaith Power & Light and state affiliates like New Mexico El Paso Region Interfaith Power & Light are launching our 2022 Faith Climate Justice Voter Campaign to reach out to people of faith and conscience. We want to make sure they are registered and ready to vote and mobilize them to vote their values of caring for our common home and loving our neighbors.

Is your voter registration is current? Confirm it’s up to date for this important election year.

Mark Your Calendars for these election dates in New Mexico

  • Primary Election:

    June 7, 2022

  •  General Election:

    November 8, 2022

As people of faith and conscience, our values call us to ensure that everyone is cared for and to be good stewards of our Sacred Earth. Climate change is destroying our common home, harming our communities, and putting future generations at risk.

For too long, the fossil fuel industry has divided and distracted us with lies while they endanger our climate and pollute our air and water. They exploit our differences trying to divide us. They pick and choose where to dump toxins based on the contents of our wallets and the color of our skin, hoping to avoid accountability for the crisis they created for all of us.

This election is about the values shaping our future. Together, we can express our values of ensuring a livable planet for our children and that all are cared for. We can come together to vote our values and make a difference.

Please confirm your voter registration is current at our online voter portal.

Once you’ve done that, help make sure your faith community is ready to vote by asking them to check their registration or register to vote.

Voting is the central sacrament of our democracy. Join us in ensuring our faith communities are ready to vote and are voting their values this year.