Join NMIPL in Celebrating A Season of Creation

The Season of Creation unites the world’s 2.2 billion Christians around one shared purpose. With so much injustice all around us, now is the time for Christians everywhere to come together and show the world how to love each other and creation.

The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through repenting, repairing, and rejoicing together. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.

This year, amid crises that have shaken our world, we’re awakened to the urgent need to heal our relationships with creation and each other. During the season this year, we enter a time of restoration and hope, a jubilee for our Earth, that requires radically new ways of living with creation.

Watch for special NMIPL inspirational video stories throughout the month (Sept. 1-Oct. 4)!! See who our surprise guests will be and what they have to share!


Video: Produced Water Forum

On July 23, NMIPL, Citizens Caring for the Future (CCFF) and Earthworks hosted a virtual conversation on a state proposal to reuse liquid wastewater from the oil and gas industry for irrigation and discharge to rivers.



Hearing on Thursday (Aug. 6) on State Methane Pollution Capture Rules

While our work at NM IPL is not usually so filled with regulatory hearings, this has beenthe case the last several weeks.

We are so grateful to many of you who have offered written and verbal comments for the Public Regulatory Commission meetings related to the replacement plan of San Juan Power Plant, new state building codes, Oil Commission Division hearing on Produced Water and now Thursday, August 6 NM Environment Department and Energy Minerals and Natural Resources hearing on state methane pollution capture rules (this is part of a process that began over a year ago.)
It is so important to frame these concerns in an ethical, moral and spiritual context. Thank you again.
Information for Thursday, August 6 Methane Pollution Rule Listening Session is below. Please register.  Attached here are details, information and talking points.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
  • 4 – 4:45 p.m.: Introductions, overview of proposed rules from NMED and EMNRD
  • 4:45 – 6 p.m.: Opportunity for the public to ask questions and make statements. Statements must be kept to two minutes 
  • STEP 1: REGISTER TO JOIN: Participants must register here to attend online. Participants can also participate via call-in only: +1-408-418-9388 access code: 146 984 0772.
  • STEP 2: SIGN UP TO SPEAK: To sign up to make a statement during the meeting, please email your name and affiliation, if applicable, to
Here is a recently released report that may be helpful and of interest….
-Sister Joan Brown