Current Revolution: Featured Film of Faith Climate Action 2023

Share the exciting news of the transition to clean energy with your congregation with a series of short films called Current Revolution, this year’s featured film of Faith Climate Action Week in April. These films show the possibility of a just transition to a clean energy economy where the well-being of workers and frontline community members is valued, instead of neglected.

Said Susan Stephenson, executive director of IPL, “I think you will love this offering, because the short films are a perfect length to view in a group and then allow time for discussion at your events, and you can offer the whole series over multiple weeks or evenings! The first two of the three films are approximately 30 minutes each, and the last is 6 minutes. Also, astute viewers will notice a familiar face in one of the films – long-time IPL national chair Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley!”

IPL congregations may register to share these films for free during Faith Climate Action Week, April 14-23, 2023. A screening license is normally $90, but thanks to the generosity of the American Resilience Project, this screening license is FREE to IPL congregations.

Registration to share these films with your congregation is coming in March. Sign up here to be notified when registration is open.

DVDs are available for purchase now through IPL for screening at any time. $25 plus shipping, INCLUDES screening rights (valued at $90.)

Purchase your DVD here.

These films expand on this year’s Faith Climate Action Week theme: Living the Golden Rule: Just Transition to a Clean Energy Economy. The theme examines our responsibility to transition to energy sources that are sustainable and healthy for our communities and Creation.

Purchase your DVD here. 

IPL invites you to screen this film series as part of your celebrations of Earth Month and join the community of people of faith preaching, teaching, and acting to heal the climate in 2023!

All the information you need about film licensing can be found here.

Video: The Green Amendment in the NM Legislature 2023

Maya K. van Rossum, the founder of Green Amendments For The Generations, led a presentation at First Congregational Church in Albuquerque on Sunday, February 5, 2023.

Background: The Green Amendment has been introduced in New Mexico’s legislative sessions for several years. This year SJR6 is before the NM Senate, with Antoinette Sedillo Lopez as the lead sponsor. Maya is in New Mexico to help move the legislation forward, having driven here cross country in her electric car!

Video: New Mexicans Experiencing Climate Change (Part 1)

The first chapter of the Open New Doors video series, “Open New Doors to a Thriving New Mexico,” shares stories from community members experiencing climate change and fossil fuel pollution across New Mexico and their solutions and visions for the future. Their experiences show us that now is the time to open new doors to a thriving and resilient climate and economy for all New Mexicans.   Video produced by Climate Advocates Voces Unidas.