Photos from Environment Day at the New Mexico State Legislature

IPL-New Mexico was one of dozens of organizations that participated in Environment Day at the New Mexico State Legislature on Friday, Feb. 9. The main organizer was the Rio Grande Chapter of Sierra Club. Here are some photos from the gathering at the Roundhouse.  Click on photo see full image

Watch: Sr. Joan Brown and Others Speak on Non-Violence as a Reply to Climate Crisis

Here is the video of the fascinating program featuring a prophetic conversation with Father John Dear, Sister Joan Brown, Reverend Andrew Black, and Chaplain Jorge Sayago-Gonzales exploring key questions of: How embracing a life of nonviolence can be one of the most important ways to solve the climate crisis and live in solidarity with Mother Earth The video is about 80 minutes.

San Onofre Syndrome (a film at the Guild Theater)

For those involved  and interested in the effort to pass SB 53 and Stop the Holtec “temporary” nuclear waste site, this new film is of interest.

On Sunday, January 28 at noon, San Onofre Syndrome will be shown at the Guild Theatre, 3405 Central Ave. in Albuquerque. It features Rose Gardner from New Mexico.

The Q&A afterwards includes Eileen O’Shaughnessy and Don Hancock, who can update the current status with the Holtec fight.

Admission is $10.25 (but no one will be turned away)