Raindrop Foundation Invites You to Ramadan Dialogue & Friendship Iftar Dinners

The Raindrop Foundation and the Dialogue Institute Albuquerque, which represent the Turkish-American community in Albuquerque, kindly ask the honor of your presence at their Ramadan Dialogue & Friendship Iftar (fast-breaking) Dinners this year and help for building more bridges between different cultures, faiths and communities of New Mexico!  The dinners will take place at Raindrop Foundation/Dialogue Institute, 7901 Mountain Road NE, Suite: A, Albuquerque, 87110
When:April 5th- April 30th, 2022
Time:7:00 pm


Sign a Faith Leaders Letter to Protect Chaco Canyon









Thank you so much for considering signing this letter for spiritual leaders to support efforts to  protect Chaco Canyon.  Chaco Canyon is a sacred place to the many Pueblos, and Navajo people in New Mexico and beyond. Oil an gas drilling around this place continues to threaten it for them and for the many visitors who come to learn about Chacoan history and visit this holy place.  Please read and consider signing this national letter.

Here is the link to the letter where other spiritual and faith leaders can sign on

This is a nationwide sign-on letter and we are trying to get as many spiritual and faith leaders to sign on as possible so I would greatly appreciate you sending this to all your networks. The deadline for sign ons is March 29th.

Brazilian Theologian to Lead Lenten Reflections on Earth & Environment

New Mexico El Paso Region Interfaith Power & Light invite you to a series of Lenten reflections led by Claudio Carvalhaes, Associate Professor of Worship at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.

This series, Ways of the Earth, builds upon traditional Catholic/Christian Stations of the Cross and integrates the suffering of our times and our planet with the suffering of Jesus. People of all faith traditions or openness are invited. Claudio will offer teachings every other week and share a reflective practice to do in the time in-between.

Our sessions  will be held on Thursday, March 3, Thursday, March 17, and Thursday, March 31.  All sessions are scheduled for 75 minutes, starting at 5:30 p.m. and ending at 6:45 p.m. The series will conclude with a worship on Wednesday, April 13.

Register here  for the three sessions in March. We will send out a separate link for the April worship.

A donation of $25 is requested (but not required) via the Paypal link on our website. Be sure to designate the donation for the Lenten series.

About Claudio Carvalhaes

Our presenter, earth thinker, theologian, liturgist and artist, a native Brazilian, completed his Ph.D. in Liturgy and Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York City in 2007. He earned his first Master of Philosophy degree in Theology, Philosophy, and History at the Methodist University of Sao Paulo in 1997 and a Master of Divinity degree from the Independent Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Sao Paulo, Brazil) in 1992.

A much sought after speaker, writer and performer, Carvalhaes has preached and taught at  several venues in Latin America, Europe and Africa. He led an online Lenten series for Ghost Ranch Retreat Center in Abiquiu, New Mexico,  in 2021.