Webinar Video: Daily Ecology in a World Where Everything Is Connected

The February Journeying With the Laudato Si’ Action Platform webinar is about “Daily Ecology in a World Where Everything Is Connected”, related to the Laudato Si’ Goal of “Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles”. In his encyclical letter Laudato Si’, Pope Francis invites us to an interior change of heart that can overcome our fragmented way of seeing, experiencing, and interacting with the world around us. He reminds us that we are deeply linked to nature and to one another. How do we rediscover that connectedness, and how might that impact our everyday life? Representatives of the Families and Individuals sector will speak about the social dimension of ecology, and how they discover the many ways Gospel love leads them to answer the needs of those around them and the suffering planet.

A Nun’s Life Podcast with Sr. Joan Brown: Where is God Calling You?

Sister Joan Brown, OSF, shares insights for discering God’s call in confusing times. Sister Joan is Executive Director of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light. Hear the full In Good Faith episode IGF045 at aNunsLife.org.

Commemorating Laudato Si

Shortly before the fifth anniversary of the publication of Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home. Sister Joan Brown offered this embodied reflection for our Earth.

I heard someone speak recently about growth in compassion. Some reflections.
The more conscious and compassionate we become the more skillful and free we are to participate in energies moving around us and within us. These energies invite us into a participatory universe with unknown insights for transformation, justice, inclusion, and beauty. 
We are part of the natural world and the universe. The Sacred energies of Love woven throughout our Universe, our homes, neighborhoods, state, nation, creatures, trees and every stone call us to compassion. The energies of Love are expressions of the Holy One of many names and no names. If we are conscious of this flow of energy, we open ourselves to strength we do not know, creativity we have not dreamed, and a way forward that we could not imagine.
*Let a walk take you in this beautiful springtime.  
*Hold hands with your child, children or partner. If you are alone imagine that you are holding loved ones, four legged ones, people across the world. 
*Your grasp is one of conscious compassion sharing the vast energies of Love that desire expression through you. 
*Keep walking.
Peace and good,