Watch: Interview with Sister Joan on KNME’s New Mexico in Focus

Watch Sister Joan Brown on Friday, July 12, 7pm on New Mexico in Focus (KNME-TV NM PBS). Laura Paskus, a friend of Interfaith Power & Light New Mexico & El Paso, conducted the interview.

Here is the text that accompanied KNME-TV’s posting online.

7.12.24 –In 2015, Pope Francis issued an encyclical letter focused on the Earth, the economy and social justice, called “On Care for Our Common Home, Laudato Si.” In conversation with Our Land’s Laura Paskus, Sister Joan Brown, executive director of New Mexico & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light, talks about what has changed (and what hasn’t) since that encyclical letter. The two also talk about the value of interfaith work in building community and adapting to climate change in New Mexico.

Correspondent: Laura Paskus

Guest: Sister Joan Brown, Executive Director, New Mexico & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light

For More Information: Watch the entire, hour-long special, “Loving Our Changing Homelands.”