FREE WEBINAR: The Spirit of Dialogue: Lessons from Faith Traditions in Transforming Water Conflicts
Featuring Aaron Wolf, Professor of Geography, Oregon State University
In the West, we generally base our approach to managing conflicts on rationality: “People will agree when it’s in their interest to agree.” Tools typically focus on what is measurable and quantifiable; if only we could see the tangible benefits of cooperating, we are taught, we simply would.
As a “pracademic” facilitating and studying water conflicts around the world, Wolf has come to appreciate both the limitations of the rational models on which we in the West base our understandings of conflict and cooperation, and the wisdom, constructs, and practical tools of the world’s faith traditions and indigenous communities in working toward deep interactions around contentious issues.
In this presentation, we will explore, for example: cross-cultural models of understanding the sources of conflict and anger; deep listening skills for identifying common values; methods for elevating and nuancing dialogue as pathways to understanding; and techniques for self check-ins for potential conflicts within.