Contra Santolina Working Group and allies invite you to enjoy FREE paletas while getting updates about the proposed Santolina Sprawl development project. Join us on your lunch break at the park across the street from the Southwest Organizing Project office, 1006 Park Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102-2940 Everyone is welcome!
Santolina still looms in our backyards posing a continued threat to our limited water resources. Although we won a battle in the courts last December, and the developer (WALH) has to start from scratch to get the zone map amendment, they are trying to get the county to approve a Level B2 Master Plan next month!
On August 25th, the Bernallilo County Commission is set to hear WALH’s appeal for interim use. On October 6th, the County Planning Commission will hear WALH’s application for approval of the Level B.II Master Plan.
We would greatly appreciate our community and allies showing up in support tomorrow! Meanwhile, contact your local County Commissioner to let them know why WAHL is using this appeal as a Trojan horse to push through Santolina.
Thanks to ally organizations who are co-sponsoring this event: American Friends Service Committee New Mexico, SouthWest Organizing Project, Center for Social Sustainable Systems (CESOSS), South Valley Regional Association of Acequias, Pajarito Village Neighborhood Association, and New Mexico Environmental Law Center.