Planting Trees for Our Future and Gardens to Nourish our Community
Seeds and seedlings are going in the ground this summer and fall. In this video, we feature the Forest of Bliss campaign and its origins at Alvarado Park in November 2019 (with support from the Albuquerque Sikh Gurudwara under the leadership of Manjeet Kaur Tangri).
The campaign has resulted in the planting of several dozen trees around New Mexico over the past several years, including the Rio Grande Community Farm/Garden. Another 30 trees will be planted at that site in September 2021.
The Rio Grande Community Garden/Farm also provides gardening opportunities for non-profits like Tres Hermanas Farm, which serves refugees.
Our video also celebrates community gardens at St. John’s United Methodist Church and St. John XXIII Catholic Community, which provide nourishment for needy families and individuals in Albuquerque.