The Greater Chaco Landscape has been under siege for far too long — Over 91% of available public lands are already leased for oil and gas with over 40,000 fracking wells across the landscape.
Now, the @Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is proposing to protect a 10-mile buffer around Chaco Culture National Historical Park from future mineral leasing as part of the Department of Interior’s “Honoring Chaco” process.
Tell BLM that MUCH MORE needs to be done to TRULY Honor Greater Chaco
Despite promising to protect Chaco, RIGHT NOW the Bureau of Land Management is set to approve hundreds of new fracking wells within and outside of the proposed protection area. See letter
USE THIS LINK to register for the virtual public meeting give public comment
If you cannot attend the virtual public meeting >>
**Please send a written comment** by the April 6. We will print and hand-deliver these comments to BLM on April 6, 2022
**Please send a written comment** by the April 6. We will print and hand-deliver these comments to BLM on April 6, 2022
Diné C.A.R.E., Western Environmental Law Center, Sierra Club: Rio Grande Chapter, and Frack Off Greater Chaco