Dear Governor, Agency Leaders and Legislators,

As faith leaders in New Mexico, we continue to be very concerned about the lived realities that climate change poses in our state. This past year we suffered from fires, floods, health concerns, early and extended heat, extreme wind, aridity, rivers going dry, farmers and ranchers suffering a loss of income, and growing immigrant numbers because of food insecurity. We also see many people, especially the young, struggling with mental health challenges associated with living in these worsening conditions.

Throughout our communities, people say they are feeling the effects of climate change and are experiencing depression, with a pall hanging over their daily lives. We are living in the realities of human-generated problems and we have an ethical and moral responsibility to act now. Our time is one of a spiritual crisis; a moment of conversion and choosing life for the future.

Ministry to our communities and caring for our sacred land, water, air, and future are primary. Religious leaders of all traditions name this precipice moment we live in where those who are most vulnerable will suffer even more if we do not change direction. In June 2022 nearly 200 interfaith leaders from around the world spoke for our traditions and presented a statement to Stockholm + 50, a United Nations environmental conference.

They stated in part: “The root causes of the triple planetary crises are deeply fueled by structural greed and apathy that underpin our current economic systems. Amassing of obscene wealth by corporations and select individuals is directly related to global environmental problems and solutions, which is morally and ethically unacceptable . . . Without addressing these underlying causes, we are on a collision course to disaster,” the statement read, adding, “We humans have failed in our responsibility as ‘earth keepers’ to protect the planet.”

As the 2023 New Mexico Legislative Session begins we see the clock ticking, communities and Earth suffering, and our souls calling for a change. We are compelled to speak for strong actions in this session in several areas.

    1.  Strong climate action for our state and government agencies which has at the forefront ethical concerns for equity; economic transition that puts workers and people first as we move from an outsized reliance on oil and gas; economic diversification; intergenerational justice; and care for our sacred land, water, air, and all in the community of life.
    2. Health systems that care for our communities and consider the health effects of climate change and the effects of extractive industries and their legacies on our communities.
    3. Our water concerns must have adequate funding for systemic change, which is required to address the dire issues of water quantity, quality, and aridity in the state. Modernizing water governance, engaging in robust water planning, and funds s to address a variety of concerns is wise stewardship.
    4. Adequate funding for public agencies to work in caring for the health, welfare, and common good.

We thank you for your work and consideration. We have been working in many ways on these concerns and will continue to do so in service to the command “To Love Neighbor”, which includes all people and creation.

Signed Faith Leaders,

Sr. Joan Brown, osf, Executive Director NM & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light, Albuquerque

Rev. Lynne Hinton, NM Conference of Churches, Conference Director, Albuquerque

Rev. Dr. Barbara Doerrer-Peacock, Acting Conf. Min., SW Conf. United Church of Christ (AZ,NM, & El Paso)

Kurt A. Rager, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – New Mexico, Albuquerque

Sr. Rose Marie Cecchini, MM, Director, Office of Peace, Justice & Creation, Catholic Charities of Gallup

Abbot Joel Garner, O.Praem, Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey, Albuquerque

Rev. Joan Jiko Halifax, Abbot, Upaya Zen Center, Santa Fe

Anita Amstutz, Minister, Mountain States Mennonite Conference, Abq Mennonite Church, Albuquerque

The Rev. Dr. Holly Beaumont, Organizing Director, Interfaith Worker Justice – New Mexico, Santa Fe

Judy Messal, Steering Committee Member, Interfaith Hunger Coaltion, Albuquerque

Tanya Barlow, NM conference United Women in Faith VP, Ruidoso

Reverend Andrew Black, EarthKeepers 360 and First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe

Sr. Theresa Louisa Woo Ching, Mother Superior,Little Sisters of the Poor, Gallup

Don Handrick, Sr.Buddhist Teacher, Foundation for Preservation of Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), Santa Fe

Fr. Tom Smith OFM Conv., Director, Holy Cross Retreat Center, Mesilla Park

Richard Wood, Professor UNM Sociology, Dir. Southwest Institute on Religion, Culture and Society, Albuquerque

Neil Amswych, Rabbi of Temple Beth Shalom, Santa Fe

Rev. Talitha Arnold, Pastor, United Church of Santa Fe, Santa Fe

Rev. Virginia Bairby, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Taos

Rev. Edward Barlow, Retired United Methodist Minister, Community United Methodist Church, Ruidoso

Rev. Larry Bernard, Chaplain, Our Lady of Guadalupe Poor Clare Monastery, Roswell

Rabbi Paul J. Citrin, Albuquerque

Reverend Tiffany Curtis, The Open Circle: A Disciples of Christ Community, Santa Fe

Rev. Kenneth Cuthbertson, Ph.D., Presbyterian Church U.S.A., retired, Albuquerque

Deacon J. Andy Dimas, St. Anne Parish, Santa Fe

Rev. Dr. Harry W. Eberts, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe

Cheryl Foote, Lay Leader, St Mark Episcopal Church, AlbuquerqueRev. Susy Gaffney, UCC, First Congregational, Albuquerque

Rabbi Shefa Gold, Director of CDEEP: Center for Devotional, Energy, Ecstatic Practice, Jemez Springs

Rev. Madeline Hart-Andersen, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Santa Fe

The Rev. Angela Herrera, Senior Minister, First Unitarian Church, Albuquerque

Rev Sue Joiner, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Albuquerque

Rabbi Min Kantrowitz, Albuquerque

Ed Katzenberger, Presbyterian Minister, Albuquerque

Nicholas King, Pastor, Mennonite Church, Carlsbad

Reverend Gary Kowalski, Co-Minister, Unitarian Congregation of Taos

The Rev. Bob LaVallee, Associate Minister, First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque

Rev. Elizabeth McMaste (Ret.), Albuquerque

Laurie Magill, Moderator, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Albuquerque

Rev. Gail Marriner, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Fe

Rev Judith Marshall, Retired minister, Albuquerque

The Rev. Carolyn W. Metzler, Retired Priest, Datil

Rev. Dr. Stephen J. Miller, Disciples of Christ retired pastor, Albuquerque

Rev. Anne Morawski, Retired Pastor, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, ELCA, Albuquerque

The Rev. Sylvia Miller-Mutia, Associate Rector, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Albuquerque

Dr. Kathleen O’Malley, Buddhist, Albuquerque

Linda Popelish, Morning Light Sangha, Gallup

Rhonda Newby-Torres, Pastor, Lutheran Campus Ministry of NM, Albuquerque

Carlos Price, EdD Board Chair, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Silver City

Sr. Marlene Perrotte, rsm, Mercy Sister, immigration ministry, Albuquerque

Martha Phillips, Social Justice chair, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Albuquerque

Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld, Emeritus, Congregation Albert, Albuquerque

Rev. Roger Scott Powers, Pastor, St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Albuquerque

Rev. Susan J. Quass, Presbyterian Church (USA), Albuquerque

Rev. Dr. G. F. Schott, Ph.D.  Evangelical  Lutheran Church  in America

Rev. Dr. Bert Scott, Retired United Methodist Minister, Central United Methodist. Albuquerque

Rev. Erica Lea-Simka, Pastor, Albuquerque Mennonite Church, Albuquerque

Michael Sells, Priest-in-charge, All Saints Episcopal Church, Farmington

Rev. Munro Sickafoose, Co-Minister, Unitarian Congregation of Taos

Clara Sims, Member in Discernment SW Conference, First Congregational UCC Albuquerque

Charlotte Smith, Lay leader Baha’i community, Albuquerque

Ruth Striegel, Green Justice team coordinator, First Congregational UCC, Albuquerque

Sr. Maria Teresa Tellez, Religious of the Assumption, Chaparral

Takako Suzuki Terino, Pastor, Jemez Springs Community Presbyterian Church, Jemez Springs

Father Anne Tropeano, Father Anne Ministries, Albuquerque

Rev Dr Dave Wasserman, Presbyterian Church (USA)

Rev. David Whiteley, retired pastor, Presbyterian (USA), Albuquerque

Rev. H. Blaine Wimberly, Pastor, Mountainside Methodist, Cedar Crest