Semana de Acción Religiosa por el Clima (Faith Climate Action Week)

The Spanish language free download of the Faith Climate Action Week kit is now available!

Spanish-speaking communities are especially concerned about climate change according to a study by Yale Climate Communications, and are more willing to engage in climate activism than their white counterparts because of their greater exposure and vulnerability to extreme weather events due to climate change.

El tema de 2023, Vivir la Regla de Oro: La transición justa a una economía de energía limpia examina nuestra responsabilidad de hacer la transición a fuentes de energía que salvaguarden nuestro hogar común, y cómo nuestras religiones nos llaman a responder con soluciones justas para todos. Los datos son del 14 al 23 de abril de 2023.

Descarga materiales aquí


Please help build the movement of people of faith acting on climate by sharing the Spanish Faith Climate Action Week materials (forward this email with a Spanish message at the end) with your Spanish-speaking colleagues and friends who might use it in their Spanish-speaking congregations or organizations.

The 2023 featured film series, Current Revolution, will have Spanish subtitles, and the free screening kit will also be available in Spanish.  You can access information about the film and the Faith Climate Action Week organizer’s kit in Spanish on the Faith Climate Action Week website.

Spanish materials here.