Join IPL’s annual Summer Solstice webinar on June 21 to learn about solar financing for congregations featuring the solar financing nonprofit, RE-volv, including a sneak peak at how the new government bonuses will likely be distributed to congregations going solar.
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With the passage of the historic climate legislation that offers nonprofits a discount on renewable energy investments, many more congregations are considering solar.
Learn more about the different ways congregations can finance solar from Jerry Bernstein, author of IPL’s Solar Financing for Congregations. Then we’ll take a deeper look at one of the options that allow a congregation to install solar with no up-front costs, called power purchase agreements.
Andreas Karelas, Executive Director of RE-volv, will explain how these agreements benefit a congregation and why they are still a good idea, even with the new government support for nonprofits to go solar.
Andreas will also offer a sneak peak at how the new government bonuses will likely be distributed to congregations going solar.
RE-volv is a climate justice nonprofit that helps nonprofits in underserved communities across the country go solar while raising awareness about equitable climate solutions and training the next generation of clean energy leaders. RE-volv works with congregations in all communities.
Then we’ll hear from an IPL solar congregation who successfully worked with RE-volv to get solar on their roof.
What better way to celebrate the summer solstice than to be inspired by a congregation that is using the energy of the sun to heal our Sacred Earth.
Invite your congregation’s building committee, governing board, or green team to join the webinar to get inspired to take action to heal the climate at your house of worship.
Faith communities are building the movement of people of faith and conscience showing the world that we can take concrete and achievable steps to safeguard the climate for future generations.