A Prayer/Blessing for Apache Stronghold at First Congregational UCC

Albuquerque was one of the stops for Apache Stronghold on its journey to the Supreme Court in Washington to stop the shattering of human existence and to protect Mother Earth. The prayer journey began in the Lummi Nation, north of Seattle, in July, and it will conclude on September 11, 2024 when the Apache Stronghold files their appeal at the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC, with stops along the way visiting tribes and supporters for prayer and ceremony.

Sister Joan Brown, Rev. Ryan Tate

The local event, held on Monday, Aug. 20, at First Congregational UCC, featured prayers and blessings from three IPL New Mexico-El Paso leaders: executive director Joan Brown osf, board member Rev. Ryan Tate and assistant executive director Clara Sims.

The Apache Stronghold delegation then traveled to  Pueblo, Co.