Article in St. Anthony Messenger Press Features Sister Joan Brown

‘A Champion of Stewardship‘
Sister Joan Brown, executive director of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light was featured in the August issue of St. Anthony Messenger Press. The online and print magazine is published by Franciscan Media, a sponsored ministry of the Franciscan Friars of St. John the Baptist Province. Here is the first paragraph of the article, followed a link to the full piece.
Sister Joan Brown, OSF, has always had a close relationship with the earth—quite literally, the soil that nurtures on climate, sustainability, and justice. With others, she helped form the Tierra Madre community that combined crops, which provide sustenance for many. Growing up on a owner-built housing with care for the environment. The family farm near the small town of Olpe, Kansas, Sister Joan community was based on a preferential option for the poor learned early on about the interconnectedness and sacred- and the earth, and Sister Joan’s experience there led her to ness of all creation.