Energy Efficient Congregations Can Win $1,000; Submit Entries by Dec. 15
The Cool Congregations Challenge, is an annual national contest to recognize “Cool Congregations” that are becoming energy efficient and sustainable role […]
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud admin contributed a whooping 481 entries.
The Cool Congregations Challenge, is an annual national contest to recognize “Cool Congregations” that are becoming energy efficient and sustainable role […]
There is no climate justice without human rights: We are of course operating at the COP in the political context, not just of the climate space but also the political […]
New Mexico El Paso Interfaith Power & Light held its annual fall gathering on Thursday, Nov. 10, at First Congregational UCC in Albquerque. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our previous […]
P.O. Box 27162
Albuquerque, NM 87125
(505) 266-6966