The New Mexico Climate Change Task Force encourages the public to participate in a new survey as the state seeks input to guide our ongoing climate work. Public input is a critical component of our climate strategy as we look to meet our emissions reduction goals, as well as boost the state’s resilience to the effects of climate change.
The work of the Task Force, which is co-chaired by the cabinet secretaries of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) and Environment Department (NMED), continued throughout the pandemic and subgroups were created to explore how to move our current strategies forward and develop new ones.
Accomplishments to date include passage of the Energy Transition Act, new solar market development tax credits for homeowners and businesses, adoption of modern statewide building codes, completion of the Renewable Energy Transmission Authority (RETA) study on transmission corridors for renewable energy, and a statewide natural gas waste reduction rule. More accomplishments and strategies underway are detailed in the Task Force’s annual strategy document.
“The Task Force invites all New Mexicans to take part in the survey and identify what matters most to communities when it comes to climate action,” said EMNRD Cabinet Secretary Sarah Cottrell Propst. “Our work will be most impactful if all New Mexicans are represented in our climate plans.”
Please participate in this survey, which is available in English and Spanish and will be open through July 15, 2021. 07:55:122021-06-12 07:56:09New Mexico Climate Change Task Force Seeks Public Input
OTHER SIDE OF THE HILL is a new film that will be available this summer through IPL for free congregational screenings and individual viewing at home between July 10-25. Where can East & West, Republicans & Democrats, find the common ground needed to address climate change? How can industry and environmentalists work hand in hand? And how can local economies find opportunity in a lower emissions future?
The film is a hopeful, inspiring look at local leaders on the ground in rural America who are leading climate action in their communities. But it is also about coming together, finding common ground and new climate frameworks, and shining a light on rural voices as we envision a path forward.
No matter where you are located this important story will inspire you to reach out and bridge the divide. We are more alike than we are different.
REGISTRATION OPENS JULY 1. REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR FREE ONLINE SCREENING JULY 10-25. 11:29:472021-06-11 11:31:25Other Side of the Hill – Coming this Summer thru IPL!
The Green Justice team at First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque is hosting a special series of online environmental forums during June, and all are welcome to attend over Zoom. There will be forums every Monday evening, 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
On June 7, we’ll be watching an abbreviated version of the documentary, “Kiss the Ground,” and learning about the history of industrial agriculture, the problems created by it, and the movement to embrace regenerative agriculture, healing the soil and sequestering carbon.
On June 14, 21, and 28, we will watch and discuss Climate Solutions 101 from Project Drawdown, an educational program focused on solutions to the climate crisis.
Climate Solutions 101 is the world’s first major educational effort focused solely on solutions. Rather than rehashing well-known climate challenges, Project Drawdown centers game-changing climate action based on its own rigorous scientific research and analysis.
Green Justice is also working with the FCUCC Racial Justice committee to host a forum on Sunday, June 27 at 3:00 PM, where we will learn about how Environmental Racism has impacted New Mexico from Dr. Myrriah Gomez of the UNM Honors College. Myrriah’s current book project, Nuclear Nuevo México: Identity, Ethnicity, and Resistance in Atomic Third Spaces, examines the effects of the nuclear industrial complex on Nuevomexicanos.
All are welcome to attend the forums. Please contact Ruth Striegel at for a Zoom link. 19:20:252021-06-04 19:20:25UCC Church in Albuquerque to Host Environmental Forums in June
New Mexico Climate Change Task Force Seeks Public Input
/in Campaigns, Featured Articles, NEWS /by adminThe work of the Task Force, which is co-chaired by the cabinet secretaries of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) and Environment Department (NMED), continued throughout the pandemic and subgroups were created to explore how to move our current strategies forward and develop new ones.
Accomplishments to date include passage of the Energy Transition Act, new solar market development tax credits for homeowners and businesses, adoption of modern statewide building codes, completion of the Renewable Energy Transmission Authority (RETA) study on transmission corridors for renewable energy, and a statewide natural gas waste reduction rule. More accomplishments and strategies underway are detailed in the Task Force’s annual strategy document.
“The Task Force invites all New Mexicans to take part in the survey and identify what matters most to communities when it comes to climate action,” said EMNRD Cabinet Secretary Sarah Cottrell Propst. “Our work will be most impactful if all New Mexicans are represented in our climate plans.”
Please participate in this survey, which is available in English and Spanish and will be open through July 15, 2021.
Other Side of the Hill – Coming this Summer thru IPL!
/in Earth & Faith, Media, NEWS /by adminOTHER SIDE OF THE HILL is a new film that will be available this summer through IPL for free congregational screenings and individual viewing at home between July 10-25. Where can East & West, Republicans & Democrats, find the common ground needed to address climate change? How can industry and environmentalists work hand in hand? And how can local economies find opportunity in a lower emissions future?
No matter where you are located this important story will inspire you to reach out and bridge the divide. We are more alike than we are different.
Sign up to get a reminder to register on July 1.
Other Side of the Hill | Official Trailer from Synchronous Pictures on Vimeo.
UCC Church in Albuquerque to Host Environmental Forums in June
/in Earth & Faith, Featured Articles, NEWS /by adminBy Ruth Striegel
The Green Justice team at First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque is hosting a special series of online environmental forums during June, and all are welcome to attend over Zoom. There will be forums every Monday evening, 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
On June 7, we’ll be watching an abbreviated version of the documentary, “Kiss the Ground,” and learning about the history of industrial agriculture, the problems created by it, and the movement to embrace regenerative agriculture, healing the soil and sequestering carbon.
On June 14, 21, and 28, we will watch and discuss Climate Solutions 101 from Project Drawdown, an educational program focused on solutions to the climate crisis.
Climate Solutions 101 is the world’s first major educational effort focused solely on solutions. Rather than rehashing well-known climate challenges, Project Drawdown centers game-changing climate action based on its own rigorous scientific research and analysis.
Green Justice is also working with the FCUCC Racial Justice committee to host a forum on Sunday, June 27 at 3:00 PM, where we will learn about how Environmental Racism has impacted New Mexico from Dr. Myrriah Gomez of the UNM Honors College. Myrriah’s current book project, Nuclear Nuevo México: Identity, Ethnicity, and Resistance in Atomic Third Spaces, examines the effects of the nuclear industrial complex on Nuevomexicanos.
All are welcome to attend the forums. Please contact Ruth Striegel at for a Zoom link.