Commentary: Today (Monday, Feb. 15) New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to table SB 86 after Chairman Joseph Cervantes (D-31) unprecedentedly silenced proponents of the bill from giving public comment in committee.
Allowing bill sponsor Senator Sedillo Lopez (D-16) 10 minutes to introduce her legislation and expert witnesses, Senate Judiciary Chairman Cervantes allowed 10 minutes for oil and gas industry lobbyists to present an “expert witness” panel while failing to provide proponents of the bill the same courtesy.
For every barrel of oil produced, industry produces 4-7 times as much toxic fracking waste euphemistically known as “produced water.” Right now, produced water is leaking, spilling, and exploding daily across New Mexico contaminating land, air, and water.
Read Full Article in KRWG
Advocates Decry Tabling of Protect Our Water Fracking Waste Bill
/in Campaigns, Faithful Citizenship, Featured Articles, NEWS /by adminCommentary: Today (Monday, Feb. 15) New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to table SB 86 after Chairman Joseph Cervantes (D-31) unprecedentedly silenced proponents of the bill from giving public comment in committee.
Allowing bill sponsor Senator Sedillo Lopez (D-16) 10 minutes to introduce her legislation and expert witnesses, Senate Judiciary Chairman Cervantes allowed 10 minutes for oil and gas industry lobbyists to present an “expert witness” panel while failing to provide proponents of the bill the same courtesy.
Read Full Article in KRWG
‘Where Does that Toxic Waste Go?’
/in Campaigns, Media, NEWS, Young Adults /by adminEdgar from ProgressNow New Mexico posted this video on TicTok asking relevant questions about produced water and disposal of toxic waste from oil and gas operations in New Mexico. The video was created in support of Senate Bill 86 to protect our water.
#nm #greenscreen #voiceover #libs #dems #TurboTaxLivePick6 #fracking #conservation #oilandgas
Board Co-Chair Testifies Before Senate Conservation Panel
/in Campaigns, Faithful Citizenship, Featured Articles, NEWS /by adminMadam Chair and Senators, thank you for this opportunity to speak. My name is Ruth Striegel. I’m on the board of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light. Our organization and many people of faith around the state support Senate Bill 86.
Water is sacred in all religious and spiritual traditions. Without water, there is no life. We are draining the aquifer under SE NM at an alarming rate. Once the water is gone, it will take hundreds of years to replace it. I have visited the Carlsbad area and spoken to farmers who see their water being drained away for use in fracking.
Tracking produced water and creating enforceable consequences for spills are important steps in keeping local communities healthy, now and in the future. We must work to protect the most vulnerable among us. SE NM is a beautiful place and must not become a sacrifice zone.
Thank You