Presidential Inauguration 2021: Prayer and Action

As people of faith and as citizens of the United States, we watched the violent incursion at the U.S. Capitol on the Feast of the Epiphany with horror, fear and sadness. Violence aimed at subverting the will of the people determined through a fair and free election is unconscionable.

As we approach the January 20 Inauguration of a new President and VIce President, we encourage all people of faith, to move intentionally with prayer, reflection and action.  Let this be the moment we unmistakably demonstrate that the Gospel has no tolerance for the hatred, racism and lies which led to the violence at the Capitol. Let this be the moment we, as a community of disciples of Jesus, motivated by redemptive love, claim our vocation as truth-tellers, healers, reconcilers, and peacemakers.

Please consider taking advantage of the following offerings developed by the DC Catholic Coalition and others with whom we work. In addition, we offer tools you can use to share a message of hope, justice and faith on social media.

Monday, January 18

Prayer Vigil

You  are invited to join the interfaith community for a 24-hour prayer vigil. Share your prayers online with the hashtag #PeaceWithJustice. Pax Christi USA has prepared a prayer service based on the words and prayers of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK Moral Monday 

Join the National Interfaith Service of Love, Light and Leadership sponsored by the Poor People’s Campaign Monday, at 1:00 p.m. ET.

Tuesday, January 19 

Interfaith Prayer Service 

Sojourners will host a virtual prayer service from 7-8:30 p.m. ET. Ecumenical church leaders will offer their prayers for #PeaceWithJustice in our nation on the eve of the inauguration. RSVP HERE.

Wednesday, January 20

Social Media Messaging

We encourage you to publicly mark the inauguration beginning at 11 a.m. EST via tweetstorm, sharing comments, testimonies, and commitments on Twitter — all with the hashtag #PeaceWithJustice. Sojourners will be sharing details on their website.


DC Catholic Coalition has prepared a number of social media graphics and suggested tweets with faith-filled messages.

Thursday, January 21

Traditionally, the National Cathedral hosts the Inaugural Prayer Service on January 21 at 10:00 ET.  Check their website for a possible virtual event.  You might also find info on the Inaugural website.


Join NETWORK’s Post-Inauguration Day Community Conversation at 7:00 p.m. ET for an evening of celebration, reflection, and discussion! It will include reflection on Joe Biden’s Catholic identity and the implications for our nation. Register HERE.

Non-dated Resources
The National Council of the Churches of Christ (NCC), in partnership with the Washington Interfaith Staff Community (WISC), offered an Interfaith Prayer Service of Reflection, Lamentation and Hope (90 minutes) for members of Congress, their staffs, and all who work at and protect the U.S. Capitol on January 15. It can be viewed on YouTube.  The Prayer Service was organized to bear witness to the trauma and to bring comfort and hope to all who work at the Capitol complex.


An Interfaith Eco-Justice Series–Sacred Land: Food and Farming

Sacred Land: Food and Farming
An Interfaith Eco-Justice Series offered by NM Interfaith Power & Light
Thursdays, 5-7PM, Starting February 4th, ends March 25th
Join NM IPL for an eight-week interfaith/interspiritual series on Food and Farming exploring the connection between spirituality and caring for the land. In (virtual) community with others, you will learn how food and farming practices affect the climate crisis, marginalized communities, and even your own health and spiritual wellbeing. You will explore practical ways to implement sustainable food and farming practices in the communities and institutions of which you are a part.
This offering is free and open to people of all spiritual or religious backgrounds who are interested in the connection between spirituality and food production. You will only need to borrow or purchase the book Braiding Sweetgrass.
To sign up, send email to

Faith in Action: Addressing Links Among Climate Change, Poverty, Migration

New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light is among the more than 300 organizations from the U.S., Central America and Mexico to participate in Faith in Action, a global campaign that seeks to draw a link among climate change, poverty and the root causes of migration, immigration and refugees.  Stay engaged via action alerts from Faith in Action

Join Faith in Action on Thursday, January 14,  at 12p PT /1p MT /2p CT / 3p ET for its  monthly Root Causes Initiative call.  Organizers will use that time to share updates on the campaign’s progress, assess new opportunities given the results of the Senate races in Georgia, and plan our strategy to achieve important policy changes in the first 100 days of the new Biden administration.  Register for the call.

Sign and share this online petition urging President-elect Biden to change U.S. policy toward Central America, to address the root causes of poverty, unemployment, climate change, corruption, and violence that force so many people from the region to leave home and migrate north.