Shortly before the fifth anniversary of the publication of Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home. Sister Joan Brown offered this embodied reflection for our Earth.
I heard someone speak recently about growth in compassion. Some reflections.
The more conscious and compassionate we become the more skillful and free we are to participate in energies moving around us and within us. These energies invite us into a participatory universe with unknown insights for transformation, justice, inclusion, and beauty.
We are part of the natural world and the universe. The Sacred energies of Love woven throughout our Universe, our homes, neighborhoods, state, nation, creatures, trees and every stone call us to compassion. The energies of Love are expressions of the Holy One of many names and no names. If we are conscious of this flow of energy, we open ourselves to strength we do not know, creativity we have not dreamed, and a way forward that we could not imagine.
*Let a walk take you in this beautiful springtime.
*Hold hands with your child, children or partner. If you are alone imagine that you are holding loved ones, four legged ones, people across the world.
*Your grasp is one of conscious compassion sharing the vast energies of Love that desire expression through you.
*Keep walking.
Peace and good,
Commemorating Laudato Si
/in Reflections /by adminShortly before the fifth anniversary of the publication of Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home. Sister Joan Brown offered this embodied reflection for our Earth.
How We Celebrated a Season of Creation
/in NEWS /by adminWe kicked off our campaign in New Mexico with a reflection from Emily Syal, young adult advisor to the NMIPL board. Our second reflection came from Linda Sepulveda, who works at the Santa Maria de la Vid Norbertine Abbey and leads a community outreach program to engage young people in media literacy. The third reflection in the series was offered by Larry Rasmussen, an author, earth ethicist and lecturer. He recorded this video on the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Our fourth and final reflection came from The Rev. Canon Cornelia Eaton, Canon to the Ordinary for Ministry & Program Director of Hozhó Wellness Center for Women for The Episcopal Church in Navajoland.
An Invitation to Repentance and Conversion
Other Resources:
Statement fromIPL president and board of directors in response to the killing of George Floyd here.
Statements from IPL affiliates around the country.
Essayin Global Sisters Report (Sister Joan Brown)
Prayer Service sponsored by Archidiocese of Santa Fe, held on Wednesday evening June 3 Read Statement from Archbishop John Wester
A #FaithClimateJusticeVoter in 2021 and Beyond
/in Faithful Citizenship /by adminEven though the Nov. 3 election has come and gone, our commitment to engage in the public arena as #faithclimatejusticevoters is as strong as ever.
“As people of faith across the country, we believe the 2020 election is a referendum on the values that will shape our future,” said the Democracy, Values & the 2020 Election guide released by Interfaith Power & Light and Faith in Public Life earlier this year. “How can we renew our fragile democracy? How do we honor the human dignity of every person? Will we protect God’s creation for future generations? What policies will prioritize the common good and confront global pandemics that remind us of our interdependence? These questions require a societal examination of conscience.”
Some polls show the public sentiment leading into the election favored actions to reverse climate change and protect our earth. Here is a summary of an public opinion survey released by IPL in October.
Another poll conducted by the respected Pew Research Center offered a similar result.
Opinions are mixed on what impact the recent election will have on our environmental efforts. Here are reports from The Guardian, Axios and The National Catholic Reporter.
So as we look forward to elections in 2021 and beyond, we reaffirm our commitment to remain #faithclimatejusticevoters