Podcast: Earth’s Twin Crises: Biodiversity Loss + Climate Change

Today is the release date for the third episode of Jubilee for the Earth: Biodiversity and Our Sacred Story.

You can watch the episode here, called “Earth’s Twin Crises: Biodiversity Loss + Climate Change.”

About the Episode

In an article for the Australian Academy of Sciences, Professor Ary Hoffman writes: “even small changes in average temperatures can have a significant effect upon ecosystems. … The interconnected nature of ecosystems means that the loss of species [because of climate change] can have knock-on effects upon a range of ecosystem functions.”

Every day, scientists are learning more and more about how climate change accelerates biodiversity loss, and about how biodiversity loss worsens climate change. Their work has made it clear that we need to solve both crises together.

For example, the United Nations observes that conserving or restoring habitats can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, while adopting climate-smart ways of farming can significantly reduce greenhouse gas pollution. This shows us how caring for the planet’s biodiversity is a great way to care for the planet’s climate.

Recognizing that we have to address both crises together also allows us to get at an even deeper truth: that climate change and biodiversity loss are not separate problems, but actually two consequences of one deeper problem. The problem is our over-extractive economy that prioritizes growth-at-any-cost over the common good of all creatures. Even though the climate and biodiversity crises are existential threats to a healthy planet, we must also address their root cause. Because if we don’t, then even if we do manage to solve our planet’s twin crises, our over-extractive economy will simply keep creating new ones into the future.

We hope you enjoy this episode of Jubilee for the Earth.

In Solidarity,

St. Columban Mission for Justice, Peace and Ecology

P.S. The fourth episode of Jubilee for the Earth will be released on September 22, called “Saqueando Nuestra Tierra: La Pérdida de Biodiversidad + Sobreexplotación.” It will be in Spanish. 

Urge President Biden to take bold and just climate action at the COP27 in Egypt

Dear President Biden,
As people of faith/conscience from across the United States, we urge you to bring the full power and persuasion of the U.S. government to achieve agreement at COP27 in Egypt to rapidly cut emissions and keep global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees. We ask you to also ensure that the U.S. does our fair share to support developing nations and people on the front lines of extreme climate impacts by scaling up funding, investments, and clean technology transfer.

To lead by example, the U.S. must take bold action and make serious and ambitious investments. U.S. faith communities are proving this can be done, cutting emissions in their own facilities and supporting vulnerable people and communities in the U.S. and globally. Fueled by a sense of moral responsibility to care for our neighbors, our common home, and protect our children’s future, congregations and families around the country are reducing their climate pollution.

The U.S. must also have domestic policy in place to curb our own emissions, and we strongly support the climate elements of the Inflation Reduction Act as well as administrative actions to reduce carbon pollution. This year’s COP comes at a critical moment. We are witnessing the tragic effects of climate change affecting every community on Earth, but it is the poor and historically disenfranchised who are least responsible for the problem who suffer the most.

As the wealthiest country in the world and the country that has emitted more carbon pollution than any other, the U.S. has a moral responsibility to solve this crisis and to commit to our fair share. We ask the U.S. government to make these commitments and advance priorities during the COP27 negotiations:

  • Accelerate Ambition. We urge the U.S. to accelerate ambition and reduce carbon emissions to keep global warming to no more than 1.5C degrees above pre-industrial levels.
  • Increase Climate Finance Commitments. We urge the U.S. to pay its fair share of the $100 billion commitment to climate finance through the Green Climate Fund and finance mechanisms by increasing its commitments by 2025.
  • Support Loss and Damage Finance. We urge the U.S. to prioritize commitments to the most vulnerable populations, such as Indigenous peoples, small island nations, least developed countries, and climate-displaced persons.
  • Include Climate and Environmental Justice in Adaptation/Mitigation. We urge the U.S. to include climate justice and reject environmental racism in adaptation/mitigation efforts, and ensure a just transition for fossil-fuel workers. We also urge the U.S. to ensure protection of human rights, especially for Indigenous and local communities.

We are prepared to partner with you to help solve the climate crisis as we care for the needs of the most vulnerable. We pray for the moral leadership of the U.S. government at this critical moment. Please lead the nations of the world to a meaningful and lasting agreement to protect our climate, on behalf of all of us, and for the future of our children and the generations yet to come.

Use this link to sign the letter to President Biden

Amplifying the Message about Leaky Wells on the Radio

Public News Service recently interviewed Kayley Shoup, organizer for Citizens Caring for the Future (an affiliate of NMEP-IPL), about the push by the The Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico to exclude smaller-producing wells removed from new rules for oil and gas production in counties that are pushing the federal ozone threshold.

Here is a text of the report

“Despite participating in the extensive public process and originally supporting the new rules, the Independent Petroleum Association is now claiming its members should not have to comply and says the rules could cause hundreds, if not thousands, of wells to cease operations prematurely.”

And Kayley’s quote:

“Every other industry is regulated,” she said. “The least they can do is inspect these wells that are leak-prone and causing methane emissions that are warming the planet and also harming the health of communities.”

Read and Listen to Full Report