Rule Would Require that Investors to Know About Climate Risks

The Securities and Exchange Commission is proposing a rule to require public companies to disclose to investors and the federal government how their operations affect the climate, and how they are addressing climate risks. This is excellent news and will be a big step forward in helping us all hold companies accountable for their climate impacts and risks.

But large corporations and their congressional allies are gearing up to fight it. Please send a public comment urging the SEC to adopt this rule.

Climate change poses enormous financial and economic risks, and publicly traded companies have a major role in our economy. Are they preparing for climate change? Are they reducing their own emissions? We don’t have a good way of knowing that right now.

If passed, this rule will require companies to report climate data annually in their shareholder reports and in stock registration information.

Across society, individuals, small businesses, local governments, and faith communities are trying to be good stewards, reducing our carbon footprints, using renewable energy where we can, and helping to prepare our communities to be more climate resilient.

But we need large publicly traded companies to be responsible as well, and this rule will give us the transparency to know what they are doing and push them to do better. Furthermore, investors will be able to make better choices, investing in companies that are taking action to reduce emissions and protect us all from climate disasters.

Please urge the SEC to adopt this rule.

(Please Note: The Deadline is May 20!)

There are only a few more days to comment, and large businesses are fighting it, threatening lawsuits, and claiming the SEC doesn’t have the right to require this important information. That’s why we need to have thousands of comments of support submitted by people of faith and conscience.

Investors and other market participants, including you and me, deserve to have all the information they need to make sure our investments are aligned with our values.

Tell the SEC that we deserve to know how climate change affects our investments in public companies.

Sign the Petition: Support Zero Fares Transit ABQ into 2023

What’s Happening with #ZeroFares?

In 2021, Albuquerque City Council approved $3M to fund zero-fare transit for everyone, eliminating barriers to transit access for all riders until December 31, 2022. The Zero Fares coalition is organizing our communities to urge the City Council to support funding zero-fare transit through June ‘23.

Why #ZeroFares?

BQ Ride reports:

🚍 74% of riders are low income

🚍 73% of riders either don’t have a vehicle or their vehicle isn’t working

🚍 Vast majority of riders are people of color

NM Voices for Children reports:

🚍 Area nonprofits saved $1.6M over the most recent three fiscal years that previously went to purchasing bus passes.

🚍 Transit savings may now be reinvested into client services

Zero Fares are about equity (people most impacted getting what they need) and racial justice (addressing historic injustice and disparities based on ethnicity and race) Continued funding of the Zero Fares pilot project is the right direction for Albuquerque.

The following toolkit will help your organization support the campaign for Albuquerque’s Zero Fares transit pilot program via digital organizing to ensure its continued funding in the city budget through June 2023. Here is the link to this toolkit:

You will find social media guidance including sample written messaging and graphics.. We encourage our partners to amplify the campaign by posting the graphics on various digital platforms and adapt the written messaging as needed, while maintaining campaign consistency with unified messaging.

Sr. Joan Brown’s Op-Ed in Gallup Independent: Love or fear – our choice

The following piece appeared in the Gallup Independent on the weekend of April 23-24, 2022

Love or fear – our choice

By Sr. Joan Brown, OSF, Executive Director, Interfaith Power and Light New Mexico & El Paso

Special to the Independent

These are rare days. We just finished celebrating Passover on Earth Day, April 22 and we continue the Easter season and also Ramadan. The confluence of these holy days happens only about every 30 years. To add to these holy days we have a convergence with Earth Day and this is Earth Sunday.

What an important time to renew loving commitments to one another for peace and to care for our Common Home. Somedays, however, I feel there is hardly enough energy just to get through the day.

Several weeks ago presented one of those days. Amidst a sick friend, too much work and many demands, we were surprised to get irrigation water. During our dire drought the water was so very precious for our fruit trees and gardens. I was excited and then very disheartened when a problem arose with an underground pipe leading to one area limiting water to a trickle. It became dark and I could not work any longer in the night to address the problem.

Almost in tears with weariness and yet another problem, I walked to the ditch to turn off the water. There, reflected in the water was a growing white moon and stars. I was stunned by the beauty. A sense of well-being flowed through me. It was a holy moment. I just let go of so many burdens.

The beauty of God awaits us in surprising ways in these dark night times. Hope surprises us with the unexpected if our hearts are open a crack. We did get our water problem fixed with some help. But there are always more challenges. The question we are posed in the Christian scripture this week after Easter is whether I am locked in a closed room or am I a channel of love and peace of God in our troubled world.   Read Full Article