The 30 Day session of the New Mexico State Legislature is upon us and we need your help to get the word about the New Mexico Green Amendment. If we can get the Green Amendment through with majority support in each legislative house, the amendment can go to the ballot in 2022 for the people to vote on. We need your help to let the legislators know this is an amendment the people want; and to let them know the people of New Mexico deserve a right to a clean and healthy environment. Here are some ways to take action
Participate in a Call to Action Webinar on Jan. 11 (Registration Requested)
A Joint Resolution proposing the amendment was pre-filed by the sponsors on Wednesday, January 5, for the 2022 legislative session. The proposed New Mexico Green Amendment, as it is being called, is receiving strong upfront support with 24 legislators already signing on in support including: by Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, Representative Joanne Ferrary, Senator Harold Pope, Jr., Senator Bill Soules, Senator Elizabeth “Liz” Stefanics, Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino, Senator Carrie Hamblen, Representative Tara Lujan, Senator Shannon Pinto, Representative Andrea Romero, Representative Karen Bash, Representative Debbie Sarinana, Representative Roger Montoya, Senator Linda Lopez, Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero, Senator Bill Tallman, Senator Jeff Steinborn, Representative Kay Bounkeua, Representative Christine Trujillo, Representative Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson, Representative Gail Chasey, Representative Miguel Garcia, Representative Kristina Ortez, and Senator Roberto “Bobby” J. Gonzales
The Joint Resolution proposes amending the state constitution’s Bill of Rights to recognize and protect the rights of all of the people of New Mexico “to a clean and healthy environment, including water, air, soil, flora, fauna, ecosystems and climate, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural, scenic and healthful qualities of the environment”; to ensure these rights are protected for present and future generations; and to designate all the state’s government officials as trustees of the natural resources of the state constitutionally obligated to “conserve, protect, and maintain” them.
A New Mexico constitutional Green Amendment is a must have for our beloved ‘Land of Enchantment’,” said Terry A. Sloan, Director of Southwest Native Cultures, Albuquerque, New Mexico, a leader in the Green Amendment movement since its inception here in New Mexico and nationally and an ECOSOC accredited member of the United Nations. Sloan is also a member of the board of directors of New Mexico and El Paso Region Interfaith Power & Light.
Sponsors Pre-File Green Amendment Resolution in NM Legislature
/in Featured Articles, Green Amendment, NEWS, NM Legislature /by adminThe 30 Day session of the New Mexico State Legislature is upon us and we need your help to get the word about the New Mexico Green Amendment. If we can get the Green Amendment through with majority support in each legislative house, the amendment can go to the ballot in 2022 for the people to vote on. We need your help to let the legislators know this is an amendment the people want; and to let them know the people of New Mexico deserve a right to a clean and healthy environment. Here are some ways to take action
Participate in a Call to Action Webinar on Jan. 11 (Registration Requested)
A Joint Resolution proposing the amendment was pre-filed by the sponsors on Wednesday, January 5, for the 2022 legislative session. The proposed New Mexico Green Amendment, as it is being called, is receiving strong upfront support with 24 legislators already signing on in support including: by Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, Representative Joanne Ferrary, Senator Harold Pope, Jr., Senator Bill Soules, Senator Elizabeth “Liz” Stefanics, Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino, Senator Carrie Hamblen, Representative Tara Lujan, Senator Shannon Pinto, Representative Andrea Romero, Representative Karen Bash, Representative Debbie Sarinana, Representative Roger Montoya, Senator Linda Lopez, Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero, Senator Bill Tallman, Senator Jeff Steinborn, Representative Kay Bounkeua, Representative Christine Trujillo, Representative Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson, Representative Gail Chasey, Representative Miguel Garcia, Representative Kristina Ortez, and Senator Roberto “Bobby” J. Gonzales
The Joint Resolution proposes amending the state constitution’s Bill of Rights to recognize and protect the rights of all of the people of New Mexico “to a clean and healthy environment, including water, air, soil, flora, fauna, ecosystems and climate, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural, scenic and healthful qualities of the environment”; to ensure these rights are protected for present and future generations; and to designate all the state’s government officials as trustees of the natural resources of the state constitutionally obligated to “conserve, protect, and maintain” them.
A New Mexico constitutional Green Amendment is a must have for our beloved ‘Land of Enchantment’,” said Terry A. Sloan, Director of Southwest Native Cultures, Albuquerque, New Mexico, a leader in the Green Amendment movement since its inception here in New Mexico and nationally and an ECOSOC accredited member of the United Nations. Sloan is also a member of the board of directors of New Mexico and El Paso Region Interfaith Power & Light.
Reminder: Learn About Solar Options for your Faith Community
/in Cool Congregations, Featured Articles, NEWS /by adminIs your faith community interested in solar and would like to be part of a zoom call on financing? Join us for an informational session online with Collective Sun. Contact Tom Stark, if you would like to participate in this Zoom meeting on Jan. 12.
Here are two videos with more information:
Collective Sun’s Solar Power Agreement (SPA) is a third-party ownership model in the form of a prepaid service agreement. It allows a nonprofit to benefit indirectly from the federal tax benefits they cannot access when they purchase solar directly – making the transition to solar more affordable. Our minimum project size is 50kW or $150,000. In summary, the customer will prepay 88% of the total system cost directly to their chosen installer following a construction milestone schedule. CollectiveSun will pay the remaining 12% directly to the installer once we have a fully commissioned system.
The funds for the 88% prepayment can come from any number of sources including cash reserves, donations, grant funds, or any lender of their choice, including a loan from the SunForAll Solar Fund. The nonprofit will keep any state, local, or utility rebates/incentives available to them. The nonprofit will own the energy generated by the system from day one at no additional cost. We will own, operate and maintain the system.
At the end of the 6th year, ownership will transfer to the nonprofit for no additional cost. When the nonprofit prepays 88% of the project cost, they are prepaying a 20-year service agreement. Within that 20-year service agreement an early termination option becomes available to the nonprofit that allows them to take ownership of the solar system for no additional cost. The buyout is equal to the remaining 14-years of prepaid service agreement payments, resulting in a $0 net purchase – or no additional cost. In addition to the discount, nonprofits benefit from our project management and commissioning support.
Healing the Wound: An Interfaith Vigil (Virtual)
/in Featured Articles /by adminWho was responsible for creating the #wound of January 6th and who is responsible for #healing it? ALL OF US. Franciscan Action Network invites you to join them on January 5, 2022 at 8pm ET (6pm MT,) for Healing the Wound: An Interfaith Vigil.
We will gather as people of #faith for an hour of #prayer, reading of sacred #scriptures, and individual #reflection to #HealTheWound. We invite you to bring a journal. Participants will also be invited to join an optional day of fasting on January 6th.
Register to attend.
Virtual event
Hosted in Washington, DC 20002