These are challenging and daunting questions with no easy answers, and balancing respect for local needs with the demands required for the good of the entire planet will not be easy, she said.
But Brown stressed that local participation “at the table” is necessary, as is the voice of the faith community.
GSR: In your advocacy work, you’ve seen how difficult this process of just transition can be. Give us some idea of that.
Brown: We did an energy transition act in New Mexico that passed in 2019. That was to address the coal-fired power plants. The bill itself was to provide carbon-free energy by 50% by 2030 and 100% by 2045. In that process, the effort of a large collaboration was to move toward renewable energy while engaging communities in the transition for new jobs, training and ways to address local needs for tax revenue as we addressed climate change.
What about the need to shift to other technologies? There are complexities with that dynamic, right?
Yes. A story comes to my mind where there’s been an effort to get public comment on a large transmission line through the state of New Mexico to take all of the renewables from our wind and from solar. It’s going through rural areas again and through some sensitive environmental areas. Some ranchers, farmers and others in the affected rural areas are concerned. The energy is going elsewhere and they feel they are paying the price.
Join a Briefing on Climate Initiatives in 2022 NM Legislature
/in Faithful Citizenship, Featured Articles, NEWS, NM Legislature, NMIPL in the News /by adminLearn how you can use your voice during this legislative session to ensure that New Mexico remains a leader on climate.
The meeting will feature several outstanding guests who will bring us up to date on four different bills moving through the legislature that impact our vulnerable communities and our work on climate.
The public is invited.
Click here to attend the meeting
Sr. Joan Brown: Strong methane rules protect God’s creation
/in Campaigns, Earth & Faith, Featured Articles, NEWS, NMIPL in the News /by adminIn an opinion piece, published in The New Mexican on Jan. 14, urged policy makers to enact strong methane rules.
“’s so important the EPA strengthens its proposed rule by eliminating exemptions that would allow for many wells to be missed and many communities to continue to have to live with this harmful pollution. We need the rule to cover not just large producers but small ones — whose polluting impact can often be as bad or worse as larger sites.
The rule should make inspections more frequent and step up oversight, including allowing third-party observers to provide emissions data. It should institute stronger regulations over flaring — including banning routine flaring and placing strict limitations on unlit flares that vent methane pollution straight into the atmosphere.
St. Francis of Assisi centuries ago wrote that it was the responsibility of civic leaders to care for the common good. It falls on policymakers — including regulators at the EPA and other agencies — to uphold that ethical and moral standard to care for our sacred creation and common home. The time for action on climate has been here for a while. The EPA should take this opportunity to act on climate by finalizing strong methane pollution standards.
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Sr. Joan Brown discusses the complexities of the shift to sustainability
/in Campaigns, Earth & Faith, Featured Articles, NEWS, NMIPL in the News /by adminIn an interview for Global Sisters Report (a project of the National Catholic Reporter), Sister Joan Brown addressed the complexities of the shift to sustainability. Here are some excerpts.
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The article appears in the A Just Transition feature series. View the full series.