Video: An Evening with Larry Rasmussen

Larry Rasmussen, a theologian, author and resident of Santa Fe, joined us for a presentation and discussion of his book, ‘The Planet we Inherit: Letters to My Grandchildren, When Uncertainty is a Sure Thing,”

Interfaith Prayers for the Earth

Make plans to join Interfaith Power and Light at 12 p.m. Eastern on April 22 as we lift a prayer for our Sacred Earth. You can join us on the Interfaith Power and Light Facebook page at the event time and download the words to the interfaith prayer in advance. In doing so, know that you are joining with thousands of people of faith and conscience to amplify the impact of our collective prayer.


Earth Month Events & Activities in New Mexico (Updated April 8)

 Mark Your Calendars for these events 
(click on each link for more information)  Page will be updated

 6 Tree New Mexico ABQ Mesa Village neighborhood tree planting

10 Faith Leaders Breakfast  Rev. Talitha Arnold from United Church of Santa Fe and Bishop Michael Hunn from Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande will lead particpants in a conversation on how we deepen our spiritual lives and sustain our commitment to transformation amidst crises of creation.

 15  An Evening with Larry Rasmussen, author of ‘The Planet You Inherit’ (This is a virtual event.  Register Here)

17  Care for the Earth Event (New Mexico State University)

18 Earth Day Nosh & Knowledge: Local Flavor at Congregation Albert (Albuquerque)

18 Screening of Documentary ‘Common Ground’ (Albuquerque Mennonite Church)

20  Earth Day Las Cruces

20 Earth Day Hike & Clean-Up on the Caja del Rio

21 Earth Day Festival  (Balloon Fiesta Park, Albuquerque)

22  Screening of Documentary ‘Common Ground’ (Central United Methodist Church-Albuquerque)

27  Tree New Mexico ABQ Tuscany neighborhood tree planting

27 Screening of documentary ‘Common Ground’ First Congregational Church, Albuquerque