Pledge to Be a Faith Climate Voter

I pledge to vote with climate and Creation in mind.

I am pledging to be a Faith Climate Voter to put love into action for every living creature and for every vulnerable community suffering the impacts of our changing climate, from sea rise, to extreme heat, to devastating droughts, to supercharged storms.

I believe that our nation’s elected leaders and our public policies should reflect our shared values. By pledging to be a consistent voter and vote with climate in mind, I am communicating the values of caring for God’s Creation and our children’s future. “

You pledge to vote. We remind you to keep your word. It’s so easy. And it works.

Sign the pledge here

Other Ways You can Help

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Share the pledge link via email or social media. Here are  sample social media posts

Donate to support the Faith Climate Voter Campaign

Follow #FaithClimateVoter on social media and share your activities

The Great Easter Vigil, Holy Saturday with Sister Joan Brown and Clara Sims

The following video was posted by Ghost Ranch this afternoon. Our thanks to Anita Amstutz for sending us the link.

Franciscan Sr Joan Brown, Executive Director of NM Interfaith Power and Light, and Clara Sims, also with NMIPL, invite us into this holiest celebration for Catholics, the Great Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.

In this moment of pandemic and climate crisis with suffering upon us in unimaginable ways this holy ritual recounts our connectedness with ancestors whose lives were not in vain but who walk with us in these times.

With the symbolic fire of transformation and the baptismal waters of cleansing and new life, this holy night is also an invitation into a new commitment to Love, Community and Transformation for the days ahead. It will not be easy, but Love lights the way.

IPL Offers Free Viewing of The Human Element Documentary

Interfaith Power and Light is offering free viewing of “The Human Element.”
In an arresting new documentary from the producers of RACING EXTINCTION, THE COVE and CHASING ICE, environmental photographer James Balog captures the lives of everyday Americans on the front lines of climate change. With rare compassion and heart, THE HUMAN ELEMENT inspires us to reevaluate our relationship with the natural world. OUT NOW.
You must register for the free viewing. Please use this link