Watch: Waters of the Southwest Hearing with EPA

Sister Joan Brown was one of the panelists in the Waters of the US hearing with the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday, June 13. Here is a video.

IPL 2022 Voter Reflection Guides Available

As people of faith and conscience across the country, we believe elections are a referendum on the values that will shape our future. Voting is how we create a society based on our shared values.

Printed copies of our multi-issue Faithful Voter Reflection Guide are now available to purchase

Some of the ways you and your faith community can use the printed guide include: making copies available to your congregation, discussing the guide and its reflection questions (adult education, committee, youth group, etc.), offering copies when you register voters or deliver social services, or asking political candidates a question from it.

Other Voter Reflection Guide Resources:
Digital version in English: download | social media toolkit

Digital version in Spanish: download | social media toolkit

June 9 Webinar “Faithful Voter Reflection Guide – A Conversation”

Order print copies

If you’re interested in distributing a version of the guide that doesn’t list the guide’s endorsers, please let me know.

Retreat Participants Examine Emissions in Permian Basin

Staff, board members and volunteers from New Mexico El Paso Region Interfaith Power & Light traveled to Hobbs and other parts of the Permian Basin in New Mexico earlier this month to examine conditions in the communities where oil and gas facilities are located.  As the participants in this retreat noted, a significant problem for residents of these frontline communities is exposure to dangerous emissions released by these facilities.













The participants recognized and offered a blessing for the work of Kayley Shoup, a Carlsbad-based organizer for Citizens Caring for the Future. CCFF is an affiliate of NMEPR-IPL.