Raindrop Foundation Invites You to Ramadan Dialogue & Friendship Iftar Dinners

The Raindrop Foundation and the Dialogue Institute Albuquerque, which represent the Turkish-American community in Albuquerque, kindly ask the honor of your presence at their Ramadan Dialogue & Friendship Iftar (fast-breaking) Dinners this year and help for building more bridges between different cultures, faiths and communities of New Mexico!  The dinners will take place at Raindrop Foundation/Dialogue Institute, 7901 Mountain Road NE, Suite: A, Albuquerque, 87110
When:April 5th- April 30th, 2022
Time:7:00 pm


NM Department of Agriculture Accepting Applications for Healthy Soil Program

The New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) has announced an 8-week application period for FY23 Healthy Soil Program grants, opening Fri., March 18, 2022 and closing Thur., May 12, 2022.

NMDA will host webinars in tandem with the application launch.  Please stay tuned, as those details will be posted on the Healthy Soil Program website and shared via the NMDA newsletter.  In the meantime, what you’ll find on the Healthy Soil Program website are webinars that prepare you to apply, featuring past and current Healthy Soil Program grantees sharing details of their projects.

St. John’s United Methodist Church, Camino de Vida Faith Community Receive National Recognition

St. John’s United Methodist Church in Albuquerque is one of the six top national Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) 2022 Cool Congregations Challenge winners. The annual contest accepts applications from religious congregations around the United States who are working to address global warming by reducing their carbon footprint as they create models of sustainability within their communities.

“St. John’s is so honored to receive this award for our garden. What started as a dusty, underutilized corner of our property has blossomed into a beautiful witness of how God’s creation works to support and sustain life and community if it’s paid just a little bit of attention. We hope that others will see this and pay attention to the land and its potential in their communities as well,” said Rev. Dr. Randall W. Partin, Senior Pastor of St. John’s United Methodist Church in Albuquerque.

Additionally, Camino de Vida in Albuquerque received one of the twelve national Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) runner up awards of $500. The congregation was recognized in the Cool Planners category. The youth and adults have begun on their ambitious plan to restore the 3 acre property that was gifted to them by another congregation with a community garden that will provide fresh produce for neighbors in need, a food orchard, a space for outdoor bilingual worship, gatherings, and experiencing God in nature. The congregation is committed to making this green space a reality.

“Estamos agradecidos – we are grateful. Thank you to Interfaith Power and Light for recognizing and supporting our efforts to increase the green space and create sacred natural space in the South Valley. Thank you for helping us begin to grow food for our neighbors, working and worshiping in God’s abundant and beautiful creation,” said Rev. Carmen Retzlaff, Pastor of Nature Ministry at Camino de Vida, a joint ministry of the PCUSA and the ELCA.

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