08:35:252021-12-21 08:36:32An Invitation to Participate in the Week of Prayer and Pilgrimage for Christian Unity
Water governance in New Mexico has been neglected and underfunded for too long and is grossly inadequate for our climate change future. Improved state, regional and local water planning, administration, adaptation, equitable shortage sharing and stewardship are required for New Mexico to best sustain the State’s economy, environment and diverse cultures. The conference sessions will feature a number of expert speakers to inform and inspire engaging discussions on the essential subjects for transforming water governance in New Mexico.
Saturday, January 8, 2022, 8:30-11:30 am – Keynote, Strategic Actions, General Discussion.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 6:00-8:00 pm – Fund Water Science, Data and Planning.
Saturday, January 15, 2022, 9:00-11:00 am – Reform New Mexico Water Governance. 11:42:172021-12-17 11:57:04The Great Change – Surviving New Mexico’s Arid Future – A Call to Action
Is your faith community interested in solar and would like to be part of a zoom call on financing? Join us for an informational session online with Collective Sun. Contact Tom Stark, if you would like to participate in this Zoom meeting on Jan. 12.
Here are two videos with more information:
Collective Sun’s Solar Power Agreement (SPA) is a third-party ownership model in the form of a prepaid service agreement. It allows a nonprofit to benefit indirectly from the federal tax benefits they cannot access when they purchase solar directly – making the transition to solar more affordable. Our minimum project size is 50kW or $150,000. In summary, the customer will prepay 88% of the total system cost directly to their chosen installer following a construction milestone schedule. CollectiveSun will pay the remaining 12% directly to the installer once we have a fully commissioned system.
The funds for the 88% prepayment can come from any number of sources including cash reserves, donations, grant funds, or any lender of their choice, including a loan from the SunForAll Solar Fund. The nonprofit will keep any state, local, or utility rebates/incentives available to them. The nonprofit will own the energy generated by the system from day one at no additional cost. We will own, operate and maintain the system.
At the end of the 6th year, ownership will transfer to the nonprofit for no additional cost. When the nonprofit prepays 88% of the project cost, they are prepaying a 20-year service agreement. Within that 20-year service agreement an early termination option becomes available to the nonprofit that allows them to take ownership of the solar system for no additional cost. The buyout is equal to the remaining 14-years of prepaid service agreement payments, resulting in a $0 net purchase – or no additional cost. In addition to the discount, nonprofits benefit from our project management and commissioning support. 11:34:332021-12-16 11:34:56Learn About Solar Power Options for your Congregation