Earth Day Project in Albuquerque’s International District

Twenty volunteers from Hope Evangelical Church and assorted community members cleared trash, planted trees, and spread mulch in Albuquerque’s International District on April 20. East Central Ministries has bought five lots at Chama and Domingo NE with plans to build low cost housing through a community land trust. The baby chokecherry and hackberry trees were Interplanted into existing stands of hardy elms to give them some shade and windbreak.

(Thank you to Donna Detweiler for supplying text and photos)

IPL Volunteers Participate in Wetland Restoration at Valle de Oro Wildlife Refuge

David Tibbetts and board co-chair Ann McCartney participated in a wetland restoration planning at Valle De Oro wildlife refuge this past Satuday, March 11. The event was sponsored by the refuge and Albuquerque wildlife Federation. Ann and David attended on behalf of NMIPL, planting coyote willows and Rio Grande cottonwoods in a Bosque restoration area. Great turnout so lots of willows and cottonwoods planted in Unit 1 of the restoration section of the refuge.


Desert Willows, New Mexico Olives, Shrubs Available

New Mexico El Paso Interfaith Power & Light has received several dozen requests for free desert willows, New Mexico Olive trees and shrubs. The trees and shrubs are provided via our Forest of Bliss  project. We are taking orders until Saturday, August 20, so hurry and make your request this week.

Send a note to Ann McCartney,