Documentary Examines Climate Pollution in Texas Permian Region

Uncovering the Permian Climate Bomb is an award-winning film directed by Sharon Wilson and Miguel Escoto about a 22-year-old activist that comes face to face with what is now the world’s largest source of climate pollution: the Texas Permian Basin. **Help defuse the Permian Climate Bomb:

Open New Doors 2023 Legislative Session Video Series (Part 3): Community Steps Forward

The third and final part of the Open New Doors video series, “Community Steps Forward,” shares stories from community members about their solutions and visions for the future of New Mexico. Their experiences show us how we can begin to open new doors to a thriving and resilient climate and economy for all New Mexicans.

Big shoutout to those interviewed! 

  • Chris Dizon, Leader, Concerned Citizens Caring for the Future, Owner, Endless Energy Solar, Eunice, NM

  • Stephen Aldridge, mayor of Jal, NM

  • Kayley Shoup, Organizer, Concerned Citizens Caring for the Future, Carlsbad, NM

  • Angelica Rubio, NM State Representative, District 35, Las Cruces, NM

  • Pastor Dave Rogers, Leader, Concerned Citizens Caring for the Future, Carlsbad, NM


Open New Doors 2023 Legislative Session Video Series Part 2

Kayley Shoup and Pastor Dave Rogers from NMEP-IPL affiliate Citizens Caring for the Future are among the voices featured in this video, which shares stories from community members about how climate, public health, and jobs intersect one another and their solutions and visions for a just and equitable transition. Their experiences show us that now is the time to open new doors to a thriving and resilient climate and economy for all New Mexicans.   The video was produced by Climate Advocates Voces Unidas