Hearing on Proposed  Advanced Clean Vehicle Standards Coming Soon!

We are just a few weeks out from the November 13-15 hearings in which the Environmental Improvement Board and Albuquerque Bernalillo Air Quality Board will decide whether or not to adopt the proposed Advanced Clean Vehicle Standards.  Note The hearings go until the 15th but there are no public comment opportunities on that final day.

At NM IPL we have been working closely with other environmental and public health groups to organize around supporting these standards. The big push and most important advocacy ask we have of you right now is this: provide public comment in support of adopting these standards. Comments can be written, given in-person, or virtually. All details provided below.

Opposition to these proposed standards is growing and we expect voices of misinformation and oil and gas interests to be loud at these hearings. We need faith folks to uplift the moral imperative of moving forward on action for climate and for health of our sacred communities.

 What? Advanced Clean Vehicle Standards, joint hearings with Environmental Improvement Board and Albuquerque Bernalillo Air Quality Board

Where? NM State Bar 521 Masthead St. NE, ABQ 87109 AND virtually

When? Nov 13th-15th

How long? up to 3 minutes are allotted for public comment

Accessibility? Spanish language interpretation will be available

In-person AND virtual public comment opportunities are as follows:

 ●      Nov. 13 from noon-1pm

●      Nov. 13 from 5-6 pm

●      Nov. 14 from 9-10 am

●      Nov. 14 from 1-2 pm

If you wish to give public comment either in person or virtually, please email clara@nm-ipl.org with your name, email, and the time slot(s) during which you want to speak. Please also indicate whether you plan to do so in-person or online. 

Written public comment can be submitted here. The sooner the better for sending in written comment, in order to ensure that it is considered by the EIB and ABAQB boards. Written comments will be accepted until November 15th but we strongly recommend they be submitted by Nov 13th to ensure they are considered.

Take the Cool Congregations Challenge







The Cool Congregations Challenge, is an annual national contest to recognize “Cool Congregations” that are becoming energy efficient and sustainable role models within their communities. The contest is brought to you by Interfaith Power & Light, a nonprofit organization inspiring and mobilizing people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate. There are no fees to enter.

Application period opens November 1 each year. Deadline for entries, December 15.

Get ready to enter the Challenge!

Due to Covid the project eligibility window has been expanded again for 2024. Projects completed in 2021, 2022, and 2023 will be eligible to apply. Deadline Dec 15, 2023, awards announced in February 2024.

NEW! Electric Vehicle Leader category for congregations that have encouraged EV adoption. This category includes: EVs (Congregants and Staff) • Congregational EV Charging Stations • Outreach • Educating and Advocating for EVs.  (Includes all-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids and electric bikes. If your congregation is working on reducing transportation emission through public transportation or carpooling, apply to the Community Inspiration category.)


  • Energy Saver
  • Renewable Role Model
  • Cool Planner
  • Electric Vehicle Leader
  • Sacred Grounds category
  • Community Inspiration category

Choose Your Entry Form

Fall Gathering: Closing Blessing

As we go forth into this threshold time of seasons changing and looking ahead to the turning of the year, we offer to you a closing blessing from Clara Sims,  IPL NM/EP assistant executive director.

Photo by Caryl McHarney, Sprout award recipient

Great and moving mystery who gathers us together –

Bless us as we go to be people whose commitment to renewal shines as radiant as the sun.

Bless us to be people who listen to the teachers who are singing, speaking, shouting from each corner of this vast creation –

Bless us to be people who listen to Stars, to Swallowtails, to Dandelions growing through the cracks of concrete sidewalks, defying their own displacement – daring us to defy our own destruction.

Bless us to people who turn toward one another and our wounds with questions of courage and conviction and commitment to the kaleidoscope of wisdom, beauty and truth that grace the great diversity of cultures and traditions which are rising from the Earth.

Bless us to be people who know that the strength of Spirit is always moving in us – mysteriously, magnificently, mischievously – multiplying our efforts, our prayers, our longings, our dreams for tomorrows undivided.

Bless us most especially to be people who are healers – people building with our words and our hands a world that is known by no other name than sacred.

Bless it be.