Senate Finance Committee Passes Key Community Benefits Fund Initiative

Clear Horizons New Mexico, a statewide coalition of environmental, social justice, and conservation advocates from 33 organizations and businesses across New Mexico, applauds the Senate Finance Committee for passing the Community Benefit Fund, made up of Senate Bills 48 and 49. Senate Bill 48 passed the Senate Finance Committee on 7-4 do-pass vote, while its companion bill Senate Bill 49 that houses the funding remains in the committee, waiting to be absorbed into the state budget bill, House Bill 2.  The vote was taken late Wednesday, February 19.

The Community Benefit Fund, Senate Bills 48 and 49, would invest $340 million in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by climate change, providing resources for workforce development and retraining, renewable energy and infrastructure projects, energy efficiency upgrades, and other projects that reduce carbon pollution all while building a sustainable economy.

The Clear Horizons New Mexico Coalition is a partnership of New Mexicans across the state from 33 climate, equity, social justice, and conservation organizations and businesses that are raising their voice in unison for climate action in the Land of Enchantment. At Clear Horizons, we celebrate our promise and commitment to keeping New Mexico beautiful and prosperous for everyone, now and in the future.  New Mexico & El Paso Interfaith Power & Light is one of 33 organizations comprising the Clear Horizons coalition. Other partners are  350 New Mexico, American Lung Association in New Mexico, Center for Civic Policy, Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy, Coalition of Sustainable Communities New Mexico, Conservation Voters New Mexico, Creciendo Nuevo Mexico, E2 – Environmental Entrepreneurs, Earthworks, Environmental Defense Fund, GreenLatinos, GRID Alternatives, Healthy Climate New Mexico, Moms Clean Air Force New Mexico chapter, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council),, NM CAFe, NM Climate Investment Center, NM Native Vote, NMVC Action Fund, Positive Energy Solar, ProgressNow New Mexico, Prosperity Works, Renewable Energy Industries Association of NM, San Juan Citizens Alliance, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter, Sovereign Energy, SWEEP (Southwest Energy Efficiency Project), the Semilla Project, Western Environmental Law Center, Western Leaders Network, and Western Resource Advocates.

Lauri Costello: New Mexico Must Act On Climate

Lauri Costello, a member of our New Mexico & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light community, recently wrote a great letter to the editor in the Las Cruces Bulletin, published on January 29.

Here is an excerpt:

In this winter season of diminished light, many of us are understandably feeling another type of darkness as a new administration takes over. If history and campaign rhetoric matter, we will likely see significant attempts to reverse climate progress. New Mexico has an unprecedented opportunity to provide bold and just leadership on climate. We must stand firm in our commitment to advocate for the environment that used to sustain us.

As a physician, I know that no lasting health for people or the planet will come without clean air, water, soil and intact ecosystems. It is time to commit to meaningful climate legislation, like the Clear Horizons Act, Community Benefits Fund and Innovation in State Agencies Act. Together, these aim to bring New Mexico into alignment with our climate goals while also supporting a healthy and just economic transition for our many, diverse communities.

Read the full letter in the Las Cruces Bulletin


IPL Joins Advocates in Call to Legislature for Climate Action

On Tuesday, January  28, advocates with Food & Water Watch gathered at the Roundhouse to urge the legislature to stop the entrenchment of factory farms in New Mexico, as these facilities contribute greatly to climate change, use up scarce water supplies, cause water and air pollution, harm the welfare of animals, exploit workers, and push family farms out of business.

In particular, advocates encouraged elected officials to support SB 99, also known as the Methane Emissions Reduction Act (MERA), which aims to fix a loophole in the recently passed Clean Transportation Fuel Standard. Closing this loophole would help prevent factory farms from being lavishly incentivized to profit from their pollution.

New Mexico & El Paso Interfaith Power and Light, came out in support of this action.

 “In New Mexico, we cherish the abundance of beauty and provision that the land offers to us and we celebrate the unique lifeways of tending the land reflected in every corner of our state. Climate change threatens these lifeways through unpredictable and extreme weather, and, of course, the far-reaching drought conditions that are already here. As people of faith and conscience we want the Clean Transportation Fuel Standards to be implemented with integrity to climate goals and that is why we support the Methane Emissions Reduction Act. If factory farms are incentivized to profit from pollution that adds more heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere, the Clean Fuel Transportation Standard will fall far short of the climate goals for which it was originally passed. It is impossible to name the depth of beauty, dignity, and diversity we are called to celebrate in our state. Let’s pass the Methane Emissions Reduction Act for the flourishing future we have in equal measures the right and the responsibility to protect.”  – Rev. Clara Sims, Assistant Executive Director of NM & EP IPL

In addition to gathering in Santa Fe to urge elected officials to support the bill, throughout the past week New Mexicans from across the state came together to urge elected officials to act through a series of events like a film screening and art build.  Read More