Video: The Green Amendment in the NM Legislature 2023

Maya K. van Rossum, the founder of Green Amendments For The Generations, led a presentation at First Congregational Church in Albuquerque on Sunday, February 5, 2023.

Background: The Green Amendment has been introduced in New Mexico’s legislative sessions for several years. This year SJR6 is before the NM Senate, with Antoinette Sedillo Lopez as the lead sponsor. Maya is in New Mexico to help move the legislation forward, having driven here cross country in her electric car!

Video: Legislative Preview 2023


This video offers a preview of the New Mexico State legislative session. We outlined exciting bills that will be introduced during New Mexico’s upcoming legislative session. You will also learn how you can uplift and support this legislation. The bills we’ll be discussing include:

  • The Oil & Gas Reform Act
  • Climate/Just Economic Transition Bill
  • The Climate and Public Health Resiliency Act
  • The Green Amendment
  • Various Water Protection Bills
  • Proposal to Prohibit Storage of Spent Fuel or High Level Nuclear Waste Without Permanent Repository in Operation Act
  • Energy Efficient Appliance/Low Income Bill

Guest presenters included

Norm Gaume, Kayley Shoup, Amy Miller, Patricia Cardonas,Tammy Fielbelkorn, Paula Garcia, Terry Sloan

Faith Leaders’ Letter to NM leaders: We have a ‘moral responsibility to act now’ on climate

Dozens of faith leaders from around New Mexico have signed a letter to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Cabinet and agency leaders and our State House Members and Senators urging them to take bold actions to address climate change.  The signators underscored the urgency of the moment and the opportunites to take action during the upcoming State Legislative session, which runs from January 17 to March 18, 2023.

“This past year we suffered from fires, floods, health concerns, early and extended heat, extreme wind, aridity, rivers going dry, farmers and ranchers suffering a loss of income, and growing immigrant numbers because of food insecurity. We also see many people, especially the young, struggling with mental health challenges associated with living in these worsening conditions,” said the letter.

“As the 2023 New Mexico Legislative Session begins we see the clock ticking, communities and Earth suffering, and our souls calling for a change. We are compelled to speak for strong actions in this session in several areas

  1.  Strong climate action for our state and government agencies which has at the forefront ethical concerns for equity; economic transition that puts workers and people first as we move from an outsized reliance on oil and gas; economic diversification; intergenerational justice; and care for our sacred land, water, air, and all in the community of life.
  2. Health systems that care for our communities and consider the health effects of climate change and the effects of extractive industries and their legacies on our communities.
  3. Our water concerns must have adequate funding for systemic change, which is required to address the dire issues of water quantity, quality, and aridity in the state. Modernizing water governance, engaging in robust water planning, and funds s to address a variety of concerns is wise stewardship.
  4. Adequate funding for public agencies to work in caring for the health, welfare, and common good.

Read full letter and see who has signed

If you would like to sign the letter as a New Mexico faith leader, contact Sister Joan Brown,