Webinar to Examine Use of PFAs in Fracking in New Mexico

Physicians for Social Responsibility is publishing an important report entitled Fracking with “Forever Chemicals.”  The report presents previously unpublicized evidence that major oil and gas companies, including ExxonMobil and Chevron, have used per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or substances that could degrade into PFAS, in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) for oil and gas in more than 1,200 wells in six U.S. states.  One of those states is New Mexico.
Citizens Caring for the Future, an IPL-NM/EP affiliate, invites you to a virtual webinar to examine the the report and present information from local PSR experts.   Read PSR Report

Click here to register for the webinar


Coalition to Hold Events in New Mexico Around BLM Lease Auction

The Bureau of Land Management will have a 3,000 acre lease auction on-line on public land in the Permian Basin on May 25.

A coalition, including IPL NM & EL, is  planning an event to give a letter to BLM regarding No More Sacrifice Zones and concerns for sacred land, water, air, and climate and our communities and their health.

Events at:
May 22 Carlsbad
May 23  Farmington
May 24 Albuquerque
May 25 Las Cruces and Santa Fe
Watch for time, place and more details about events in each of these communities.

Participants Pray, Reflect at Permian Immersion Retreat in March











Members of First Unitarian Church, Albuquerque; Albuquerque Mennonite, Laudato Si Movement, Loredo; and others from El Paso, Los Lunas and Albuquerque participated with Interfaith Power and Light and Citizens Caring for the Future in an Immersion Retreat experience March 23-25 in the Permian Basin, New Mexico. They prayed, reflected, listened to frontline community members in Carlsbad, Jal, and Hobbs and committed to deeper solidarity and action with neighbors in the Permian to address methane pollution, economic inequity and worker concerns and climate change.  IPL offers these experience a few times throughout the year. The next ones will be in the fall.