We often hear at Interfaith Power and Light New Mexico and El Paso that we live in a time of climate change headlines and mass extinction—how do we move forward in hope? It is a time of extensive political division and widespread despair and depression—how can we grow spiritually because we are made for these times? This is a time of religious panacea, distraction and lack of hope for the direction of some religious institutions—how can we be an active and loving presence in our world? The ultimate question is: What dos it mean to be a human being in these times? What is a spiritual path and practice that can sustain us and how do we create community?—because we cannot walk and work alone.
Ours is an invitational time into the unknown, and not yet, if our souls can remain open to the beauty, challenges and holy creativity. We must grow strong spiritual foundations that do not deny difficult realities, suffering and even grief and yet are hope filled because we integrate spirituality, community and holy service and love in the world.
This Choosing Mother Earth initiative is an organic and integrated effort that begins with a book study of Choosing Earth by Duane Elgin that is enfolded in prayer, creativity and sharing. We hold a delicate balance of grief at so much loss with hope and loving actions as we grow relationships, community and intergenerational sharing for the long haul.
The book Choosing Earth: Humanity’s Journey of Initiation through Breakdown and Collapse to Mature Planetary Community by Duane Elgin is our starting point together. It can be purchased or found free on line (https://choosingearth.org/)
*Interfaith Power and Light New Mexico and El Paso is offering ideas for 5 choices to begin and other elements will emerge into the future.
- An on-line sharing of 4 sessions October 5 & 19 and November 2 & 16, 2022 from 6-7:30 on zoom with required registration carlos@nm-ipl.org
- A study and creative guide that follows can be used for your own group in your faith community, family or among friends.
- Intergenerational pairs (ages 13-35 with adults over that age range) utilizing the study/sharing guide adapted as it works for you. These pairs will gather together at several points for sharing and a possible in-person retreat in early January.
- Larger community rituals or prayers of grief, hope, healing and love throughout the year.
- A Spring/Lenten session is being planned.
*The guide/toolkit for book study includes ideas for prayer, rituals, questions for discussion, creative ideas and other actions. IPL is available for questions, suggestions and ideas.
Thank you for joining us as we explore being humans and community in challenging and holy times. Planning team, Kayley Shoup, Clara Sims, Arcelia Isais-Gastelum, Marie Bianca, Joan Brown, osf
- Homework to do ahead of time. Read Preface: At the Threshold: Grief, Initiation, and Transformation and Part I Our World In Great Transition to page 30 of Choosing Earth.
Spiritual Inspiration/Grounding
- Sufi: “The world is not a problem to be solved; it is a living being to which we belong. The world is part of our own self and we are a part of its suffering wholeness. Until we go to the root of our image of separateness, there can be no healing. And the deepest part of our separateness from creation lies in our forgetfulness of its sacred nature, which is also our own sacred nature. — Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
- Lakota: “Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind. Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger? Know that you are essential to this world. Believe that! Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You are desperately needed to save the soul of this world. Did you think you were put here for something less?” – Chief Arvol Looking Horse.
- “We are to progress or evolve, we must release ourselves from religious individualism and confront the general religious experience, which is cosmic and evolutionary, and involve ourselves in it.”
― The Hours of the Universe: Reflections on God, Science, and the Human Journey
Prayer and Lighting Candle
(You may want to have created an altar before the beginning with the suggestion offered in the addenda, or you could do this as part of the 4 week study process with others)
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work
and when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”
― Wendell Berry
Opening experience
Joanna Macy has a wonderful book Coming Back to Life that offers numerous reflective and deepening exercises to face our feelings in order to move to deeper action and Love. For this Listening exercise in pairs have one person begin by listening to a partner who speaks for 1 minute without interruption. Partners then change positions for the other person to speak for one minute. There is NO discussion, judging, or comments until the end after both have shared for the 4 statements that begin with the prompts. At the end partners may share for a few minutes.
- I am grieving…….
- I honor that grief by……
- I hope to move through my grief by…….
Sharing together with Choosing Earth book Questions for prompting discussion
*What was something that spoke to you profoundly as you read this section?
*What were thoughts or feelings that emerged as you read and sat with this section? Did it speak to you and if so how?
*What is the connection with this section and your religious tradition or spiritual path? Do new visions or ideas emerge as you reflect upon this?
*Does this reading change you? If so how?
Invitation to Creative Expression or Action for next session
- It is important to work as a whole person as we move through this book in order to build deeper foundations for living in these times. Creative expression opens us to the new and beauty and joy. Spiritual Practice moves us to deeper levels of our humanity and unearths love and hope and beauty that we may be unaware of. Please choose a creative activity to do together for each session and then share it at the next session. Suggestions are offered in the addenda of the guide/toolkit. But, here are some examples to begin with.
- Create a personal or group altar that could span all sessions:
- Session 1: Identify a space where you would like to create/house an altar(near a beloved tree, in a communal garden, in your home, at your church, etc) Share with the group why that space is what you chose.
- Session 2: Each person brings something that they are utilizing on their own altar or that they would like to provide for the communal altar, and share its significance with the group.
- Session 3: Take a walk as a group or as individuals while holding the question: What is being lost in our world that you mourn for? Go for a walk and allow objects to speak of you that represent something precious. When you return, place the items on the altar.
- Session 4: Have each person share their experience at the altar during the study. If it’s a communal altar then decide if you would like to gift it to your church, etc.
- Each person writes a prayer that can be prayed each day in the morning or evening. You might use the prompt, What is it that I have not yet thought to grieve? And ending with What beauty is so large that it is greater than my grief and gives me hope?
- If you do not have a daily spiritual practice, this is a good time to begin one. Here are some ideas:
- Daily meditation. Begin with 10 minutes of quiet breathing and sitting it can begin with a psalm, or phrase or a prayer chime that begins and ends the time.
- Body prayer is wonderful. A marvelous organization that integrates healing and spirit throughout the world to address trauma in war torn and other areas is Capacitar. The short 15 minute Capacitar Chakra Tai Chi is a very grounding and holy element that is personal and global. Check it out on You Tube.
- Two excellent and contemporary resources for praying or to begin meditation are:
Praying with the Earth: A Prayerbook for Peace by John Philip Newell which is very earth centered which offers a format for morning and evening prayer and meditation.
Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness by Jan Merril.
Closing prayer/reflection/blessing
We Hold the Earth (hold hands open holding everyone and all beings with our Holy Earth)
We hold brothers and sisters who suffer from storms and droughts intensified by climate change.
We hold all species that suffer.
We hold world leaders delegated to make decisions for life.
We pray that the web of life may be mended through courageous actions to limit carbon emissions.
We pray for right actions for adaptation and mitigation to help our already suffering earth community.
We pray that love and wisdom might inspire my actions and our actions as communities. . .
so that we may, with integrity, look into the eyes of brothers and sisters and all beings and truthfully
say, we are doing our part to care for them and the future of the children.
May love transform us and our world with new steps toward life
Sostenemos la tierra
Sostenemos la tierra.
Sostenemos hermanos y hermanas quienes sufren de tormentas y sequías intensificadas por el cambio climático.
Sostenemos todas las especies que sufren.
Sostenemos líderes mundial delegados a tomar decisiones por la vida.
Rezamos que la red de la vida se pueda reparar a través de acciones valientes en limitar la emisión de carbono
Rezamos por acciones correctas en ajustacion y mitigación para ayudar nuestra comunidad mundial que sufre
Rezamos que el amor y sabiduría enspire mis acciones y nuestras acciones como comunidad…
para que podamos, con integridad, mirar a los ojos de los hermanos y hermanas y todos los seres y en verdad
digamos, estamos haciendo nuestra parte para cuidar de ellos y el futuro de los niños
Para que el amor nos transforme y el mundo con nuevos pasos hacia la vida.
Homework before Session II
*Read Three Futures for Humanity (pgs. 42-52)
*If you journal write any reflections or questions in your journal, or write them in a notebook that explores with you throughout these sessions.
- *Creative activity. One suggestion is to write a prayer that you will share at the next session. You might use the prompt, What is it that I have not yet thought to grieve? And ending with What beauty is so large that it is greater than my grief and gives me hope?
Session II
Homework that focuses sharing reading assignment Three Futures for Humanity (pgs. 42-52)
- Sharing of prayers that were written using prompts. What is it that I have not yet thought to grieve? And ending with What beauty is so large that it is greater than my grief and gives me hope?
Spiritual Inspiration
Christian/Catholic: “All of nature longs to become something more: “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” Saint Paul writes (Rom 8:22). Life has been building ever more complex structures through the ages. We are one of its constructions; a constitutive member of the ever vital networks of life. We are called to continue building the earth in continuity with what life has been doing for billions of years; God is seeking to rise up through this magnificent process of interdependent life. We do not go to God directly; we go to God through and with the earth, Teilhard said. It is the earth that gives us the energy to “ascend,” to grow in higher consciousness of God, or rather, God grows in higher consciousness and spirit in us. To touch the earth is to touch God.” – Sr. Ilia Delio, Franciscan sister and founder of Center for Christogenesis, https://christogenesis.org/
Prayer—Light Candle
(or you might begin with prayers that you wrote, if you decided to do this piece of homework.)
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work
and when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”
― Wendell Berry
Opening experience
Follow the guidance from the previous session for pair listening and sharing using these prompts.
- Some concerns I have include….
- Some feelings that come up….
- What I do with these feelings….
Sharing of Choosing Earth book with Questions
*Was there an image or phrase that came to you or spoke to you as you read this section?
*What were thoughts or feelings that emerged as you read and sat with this section? Did it speak to you and if so how? What was the most startling or poignant reflections that emerged?
*What is the connection with this section and your religious tradition or spiritual path? Do new visions or ideas emerge as you reflect upon this?
*Does this reading change you? If so how?
Invitation to Creative Expression or Action for next session
- Choose from suggestions in the addenda or one of these:
- Write a poem using the first letter of each of the words Choosing Mother Earth: Healing, Hope, Love in Action.
- Creating a new and inclusive table. We can no longer say that we will invite other people or creatures to our table. We need to create a new world view. Create a piece of a tablecloth through stitchery, painting, etc. and then bring the pieces together to create one new cloth by the end of the sessions.
Closing prayer/reflection/blessing
We Hold the Earth (hold hands open holding everyone and all beings with our Holy Earth)
We hold brothers and sisters who suffer from storms and droughts intensified by climate change.
We hold all species that suffer.
We hold world leaders delegated to make decisions for life.
We pray that the web of life may be mended through courageous actions to limit carbon emissions.
We pray for right actions for adaptation and mitigation to help our already suffering earth community.
We pray that love and wisdom might inspire my actions and our actions as communities. . .
so that we may, with integrity, look into the eyes of brothers and sisters and all beings and truthfully
say, we are doing our part to care for them and the future of the children.
May love transform us and our world with new steps toward life
Sostenemos la tierra
Sostenemos la tierra.
Sostenemos hermanos y hermanas quienes sufren de tormentas y sequías intensificadas por el cambio climático.
Sostenemos todas las especies que sufren.
Sostenemos líderes mundial delegados a tomar decisiones por la vida.
Rezamos que la red de la vida se pueda reparar a través de acciones valientes en limitar la emisión de carbono
Rezamos por acciones correctas en ajustacion y mitigación para ayudar nuestra comunidad mundial que sufre
Rezamos que el amor y sabiduría enspire mis acciones y nuestras acciones como comunidad…
para que podamos, con integridad, mirar a los ojos de los hermanos y hermanas y todos los seres y en verdad
digamos, estamos haciendo nuestra parte para cuidar de ellos y el futuro de los niños
Para que el amor nos transforme y el mundo con nuevos pasos hacia la vida.
Homework for session III
Read, reflect and pray with Stages of Initiation and Transformation (pages 60-115).
Grow in your spiritual practice.
Work on creative project.
Session III
Homework: Stages of Initiation and Transformation (pages 60-115).
Share about your spiritual practice.
Share your creative project.
Spiritual Inspiration
Nature and spirituality from a writer who grew up as a Mormon: “My belief in nature is the nature of my faith as a human being humbled before the gods we live among. The god made in my own image that I was introduced to as a child now circles the fire with all the other gods — those with feathers, fins, and fur, scales and tails and multiple legs that crawl among the flowers, plants, and trees…Earth has always been a sphere of geologic forces capable of rupturing the surface of things, but now we too are force fields of consciousness capable of shifting fixed patterns of thinking. This is the enlightened Anthropocene, not just the destructive one.” – Terry Tempest Williams
It’s possible I am pushing through solid rock
in flintlike layers, as the ore lies, alone;
I am such a long way in I see no way through,
and no space: everything is close to my face,
and everything close to my face is stone.
I don’t have much knowledge yet in grief–
so this massive darkness makes me small.
You be the master: make yourself fierce, break in: then your great transforming will happen to me, and my great grief cry will happen to you.
–Rainier Marie Rilke
Prayer or ritual
Prayer–Light Candle and also share your own spiritual practice.
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work
and when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”
― Wendell Berry
Opening experience
Use format from previous two sessions for listening/sharing partners.
- I empower myself by….
- What empowers me is…
- What gives me hope is…
- Share creative project or experience of the past week.
Sharing of Choosing Earth book with Questions
*What were thoughts or feelings that emerged as you read and sat with this section? Did it speak to you and if so how? What was the most startling or poignant reflections that emerged?
*What is the connection with this section and your religious tradition or spiritual path? Do new visions or ideas emerge as you reflect upon this?
*Does this reading change you? If so how?
Invitation to Creative Expression or Action for next session.
*Continue with the creative project you have chosen together, or choose another one from the addenda.
Closing prayer/reflection/blessing
We Hold the Earth (hold hands open holding everyone and all beings with our Holy Earth)
We hold brothers and sisters who suffer from storms and droughts intensified by climate change.
We hold all species that suffer.
We hold world leaders delegated to make decisions for life.
We pray that the web of life may be mended through courageous actions to limit carbon emissions.
We pray for right actions for adaptation and mitigation to help our already suffering earth community.
We pray that love and wisdom might inspire my actions and our actions as communities. . .
so that we may, with integrity, look into the eyes of brothers and sisters and all beings and truthfully
say, we are doing our part to care for them and the future of the children.
May love transform us and our world with new steps toward life
Sostenemos la tierra
Sostenemos la tierra.
Sostenemos hermanos y hermanas quienes sufren de tormentas y sequías intensificadas por el cambio climático.
Sostenemos todas las especies que sufren.
Sostenemos líderes mundial delegados a tomar decisiones por la vida.
Rezamos que la red de la vida se pueda reparar a través de acciones valientes en limitar la emisión de carbono
Rezamos por acciones correctas en ajustacion y mitigación para ayudar nuestra comunidad mundial que sufre
Rezamos que el amor y sabiduría enspire mis acciones y nuestras acciones como comunidad…
para que podamos, con integridad, mirar a los ojos de los hermanos y hermanas y todos los seres y en verdad
digamos, estamos haciendo nuestra parte para cuidar de ellos y el futuro de los niños
Para que el amor nos transforme y el mundo con nuevos pasos hacia la vida.
Homework for Session IV
Read and reflect upon Uplifts for a Transforming Future (pages 118-184)
Continue your spiritual practice and be ready to share any reflections.
Creative project.
Session IV
Homework: Read and reflect upon Choosing Earth the section Uplifts for a Transforming Future (pages 118-184).
Spiritual Practice/prayer/meditation
Creative project
Spiritual Inspiration
Judaism: “Among the many things that religious tradition holds in store for us is a legacy of wonder. The surest way to suppress our ability to understand the meaning of God and the importance of worship is to take things for granted. Indifference to the sublime wonder of living is the root of sin.” (other Heschel quote)
A video from Ilia Delio “it is love that matters” https://youtu.be/OKy63nlRaAo
“Our relationship with the earth involves something more than pragmatic use, academic understanding, or aesthetic appreciation. A truly human intimacy with the earth and with the entire natural world is needed. Our children should be properly introduced to the world in which they live.” (Thomas Berry, “Human Presence,” in The Dream of the Earth, 13).
Prayer—Light Candle and share any thoughts or insights from spiritual practice
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work
and when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”
― Wendell Berry
Opening experience
- Share in small groups or pairs about community and hope:
*To me community means….
*My experience of community has been…
*Community that incorporates some spiritual foundation or sharing is important/or not for me into a future with climate change because….
Sharing of Choosing Earth book with Questions
*What were thoughts or feelings that emerged as you read and sat with this section? Did it speak to you and if so how? What was the most startling or poignant reflections that emerged?
*What is the connection with this section and your religious tradition or spiritual path? Do new visions or ideas emerge as you reflect upon this? Some terms used like: transformation, consciousness, reconciliation, community, simplicity and future are elements core in many religious traditions. Have they been explored in your circles in context of Climate change? Could they be if they have not and how?
*Does this reading change you? If so how? What might be new responses to growing in your spiritual path into the future and deepening or growing your spiritual or religious community in your tradition or path?
Invitation to Share Creative Expression or Action
- Share creative activity
- Bless one another with gratitude for the time together in a creative way
Closing prayer/reflection/blessing
We Hold the Earth (hold hands open holding everyone and all beings with our Holy Earth)
We hold brothers and sisters who suffer from storms and droughts intensified by climate change.
We hold all species that suffer.
We hold world leaders delegated to make decisions for life.
We pray that the web of life may be mended through courageous actions to limit carbon emissions.
We pray for right actions for adaptation and mitigation to help our already suffering earth community.
We pray that love and wisdom might inspire my actions and our actions as communities. . .
so that we may, with integrity, look into the eyes of brothers and sisters and all beings and truthfully
say, we are doing our part to care for them and the future of the children.
May love transform us and our world with new steps toward life
Sostenemos la tierra
Sostenemos la tierra.
Sostenemos hermanos y hermanas quienes sufren de tormentas y sequías intensificadas por el cambio climático.
Sostenemos todas las especies que sufren.
Sostenemos líderes mundial delegados a tomar decisiones por la vida.
Rezamos que la red de la vida se pueda reparar a través de acciones valientes en limitar la emisión de carbono
Rezamos por acciones correctas en ajustacion y mitigación para ayudar nuestra comunidad mundial que sufre
Rezamos que el amor y sabiduría enspire mis acciones y nuestras acciones como comunidad…
para que podamos, con integridad, mirar a los ojos de los hermanos y hermanas y todos los seres y en verdad
digamos, estamos haciendo nuestra parte para cuidar de ellos y el futuro de los niños
Para que el amor nos transforme y el mundo con nuevos pasos hacia la vida.
Evaluation and suggestions for ongoing growth in healing, spirituality, and community as we work for Climate Justice together at IPL. Please write a short paragraph or offer short thoughts and send to joan@nm-ipl.org.
Prompts: What was meaningful about these sessions?
Where did these sessions lead you?
What would you like to see into the future?
Other thoughts….
Covenant of Presence Guidelines for Sharing
- Be fully present. Set aside the usual distractions of things undone from yesterday, things to do tomorrow.
- Listen generously. Listen intently to what is said; listen to the feelings beneath the words. Listen to each other as you would listen to Scripture—attentively, mindfully, and open to the Holy.
- We come as equals. No person’s gifts, limits, or experiences are more or less important than another’s.
- It is never “share or die”. You will be invited to share, but you will determine the extent to which you want to participate.
- No fixing. We are not here to set someone else straight, right a wrong, or provide therapy.
- Suspend judgment. By creating a space between judgements and reactions, we can listen to another person, and to ourselves, more fully.
- Turn to wonder. If you find yourself becoming judgmental or cynical, try turning to wonder: “I wonder what my reaction teaches me?” “I wonder what they’re feeling right now?”
- Be mindful and respectful of time. The discipline of time invites us to focus and make a particular choice about what to share and how much to share so that we might hear others.
- Practice confidentiality care. What is said here stays here, but what is learned here goes out.
Adapted from “Touchstones” used in The Center for Courage and Renewal’s Circle of Treat Retreats
Activities for Sharing and to Go Deeper
**Joanna Macy’s rituals/activities:
* Truth Mandala—Chapter 7, page 101 in Coming Back to Life or at https://workthatreconnects.org/resource/truth-mandala/
Open Sentences on Concern: Sit in pairs one person as listener and one as speaker. Each takes turns speaking for 2 minutes using the first part of the sentence. Change roles. No discussion or comments during. Reflections afterward.
- When I think about the condition of the world and climate change I would say…
- Some concerns I have include….
- Some feelings that come up….
- What I do with these feelings….
- Same process as above with different questions:
- I empower myself by….
- What empowers me is…
- I am grieving…. (sense of security, hopes for the future, etc.)
- I hold space for that grief by…..
- Evolving in Loving Action in World:
- Tell Me, Who You Are? Either by yourself or with a partner. Imagine meeting a stranger who wants to know you and asks, “Tell me, who are you?” Write a response in your journal or if you are with a partner share. Each time you do this the response will grow and change.
“Tell Me, What Happens through you?” Same scene as above in Tell Me, Who You are?
Creative Expressions and Project Ideas
Creative Expressions of pain for world:
- Drawing concerns–take a blank piece of paper and colored pencils. Scribble, doodle, or draw images to represent concerns you have and feelings. Share with partner or group.
- Pick a song that embodies your concern for the world, your love for the world, or your hope for the world and listen with the group.
- Take a walk in nature and from the land- create a gift for each other, reflecting on the book.
Journaling can be a way to express feelings, hopes and dreams and to unleash the new. Here is a prompter. Imagining a different future:
- What? When looking at a specific situation, what would you like to see happen?
- How? How do you see this coming about? This stage involves describing steps needed for the larger vision to occur and possible pathways by which these steps can take place.
- My role? The first level identifies the desired destination, the second level maps out the story of getting there, and the third identifies your role in this story: What can you do to help the vision come about?
Prayer and Ritual Ideas that might help a Spiritual Practice
- Create a personal altar of that which you love within community and the natural world that you feel is being lost or injured to honor it….ie. bowl of water, plants, animals, etc.
- Personal or collective cairn of mourning. While holding the question: What is being lost in our world that you mourn for? Go for a walk and allow objects to speak of you that represent something precious. When you return place the items in a special place and build an altar or marker…you may continue to add to this. It also might be a cairn of stones.
- If folks are able bodied begin the study with a sun salutation that is grounded in gratitude for the life that the sun brings
- Begin the study with an easy to follow hymn such as “Down In the River to Pray”
- End each study with singing “May All Children” which can be recorded and shared at the end of the entirety of the S study Find Out More About May All Children Here
Prayers from various traditions:
- Loving kindness meditation of Buddhist tradition with a reminder prayer bell set on phone to chime each hour throughout the day.
- Rosary of Catholic tradition created into a Cosmic rosary or Earth Prayer rosary as a project together.
- Various breathing meditations.
- Write a morning prayer and an evening prayer that holds feelings, realities, and hopes. Share with partner or group. Make this a spiritual practice to pray at morning and night.
Altar or Sacred Centering for personal and group use:
Light speaks of the spiritual energy of Love. Love is expressed through thankfulness at dawn and dusk, the day and the night. The Light of Love permeates all. The Jesuit Priest and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin states, “The physical structure of the universe is Love.” Our bodies and souls are bearers of sacred Light and Love. All spiritual traditions have focal ceremonies of Light. We are to extend Light/Love into our world for healing and wisdom.
Rainbow—Breath of Life, Promise of Life—Prism or picture of rainbow or symbol
The rainbow is prominent in sacred traditions in various ways. But there are some similar threads. After a storm or difficulties or death a rainbow is a sign of hope, a promise of beauty, balance and the future. The rainbow speaks of all creation and breath that flows through all creating a unity of energy and colors. For some colors speak of life force and energy as in chakras with breath flowing through all.
Earthen Vessel with Water— Clay pot with water
We are made of Earth, we are Earthen vessels and some sacred traditions elaborate on Earthen Vessels. “We hold this treasure in earthen vessels,” II Corinthians 4:7, New Testament; sacred pots of Pueblo’s and other indigenous traditions; “He created man from clay (as of pottery)”, Quran Arabic Corpus 55:14; Genesis creation story tell of humans formed of clay; Buddhism has a tradition of Treasure Pots. Not only does an earthen vessel denote the sacredness of the human, but of all of
Holy Mother Earth. Water in the vessel, reminds us that human bodies are composed mostly of water as is Earth and that Water Is Life. Water in a vessel by our bedsides, according to some indigenous elders thought, is a vehicle for inspiration, and spiritual wisdom to come as the body rests at night when the spirit leads. We ask to dream new dreams for life on our Common Home.
Plant—green potted plant, or dried herbs or sage
We are relatives with all that exists from the micro to the macro. The plant family is an enormous relation that feeds us,
heals us and offers beauty. We are grateful for the plant family. At times we share bread from the plant family that unites us as one community with every person and being.
Tree of Life—a branch and a cell phone
We are part of one another and all life represented in many cultures and traditions with the Tree of Life. We live in a world where all is of nature, including the worldwide web that unites us. We are intertwined in this as part of the tree of life we need to reflect upon and embrace in new ways.
This altar or sacred focal point carries symbols that speak of God, the Creator, the Divine Wisdom, Allah, or the Holy One Beyond All Names and of our world reality as we live challenging times with everyone and everything we share with Our Sacred Common Home.