Climate Advocates in El Paso Meet with Bishop Mark Seitz

The Climate Interfaith Network El Paso and Just Catholics held a joint meeting with  Bishop Mark Seitz, DD, on June 20 2022.

“As people of faith, we are concerned about the quality of our environment and the well-being of our communities already affected by climate change and air pollution,” said Odile Coirier, fmm, El Paso organizer for New Mexico El Paso Region Interfaith Power & Light.

“The aim of our visit was to share our vision and mission and to get some insights and support from the Bishop of El Paso, Texas, on how to engage our community members in climate actions, to promote care for creation through the message of Laudato Si provided by Pope Francis with a special attention toward the young generations,” said Coirier.

“Time is now to act and collaborate with others,” she said.