Join national IPL for a comprehensive webinar featuring Kevin Bai of EVHybridNoire that will address equity in the transition to clean EVs and explain how we can work towards a just transportation future! Topics will include:
- equity in the context of transportation- what is transportation equity and what is the historical context of unjust transportation systems?
- EV equity challenges- what are the current equity challenges hindering widespread EV adoption?
- equitable solutions- which policies and programs are in place to advance EV equity?
You are invited to join in this critical discussion as we learn how the electric vehicle transition can advance equity and justice while it protects public health and safeguards our Sacred Earth. Hear from leading EV equity advocate Kevin Bai as well as IPL staff members about the countless benefits of EVs!
May 25th, 2023 at 2 PM EST/11 AM PST!
Registration Link
If you can’t make this time, please register and you’ll receive a follow-up email after the event with a recording. Thank you!