Celebrating the comeback of TiLT [Taos Initiative for Life Together]
Engaging Activities Passionate Projects Soulful Sharing
Provocative Presentations Community Conversations Fabulous Feasting
Multicultural Music & Ceremony Delicious Dancing
10am – 10pm Each Day Bring Your Whole Self
DAY 4, SUNDAY REMEMBERING OUR ANCESTORS & LOOKING FORWARD: OUR NEXT 30 YEARS TOGETHER IN TAOS This final morning ceremony on the last day of October, when the veil between worlds is thin, we will unify many traditions as we Remember Our Ancestors, honoring all our relations with a community altar, lifting up those “santos” and predecessors who came before and show us the way. Our afternoon workshop time will be a series of short juicy presentations to get the collective imagination flowing: proposing a community-empowered New Normal for Taos County; the multi-cultural movement of personal change and systemic change of Just Transition; the resiliency and regenerational power of the Doughnut Economics framework; and practical steps to weave an infrastructure of sacred hospitality and a broader sense of kinship in our community.
To let us know you’re interested in coming to some or all of this, respond right now to Todd Wynward, toddwynward@gmail.com